Thursday, October 31, 2019
The impact of advertising on children and youth Thesis
The impact of advertising on children and youth - Thesis Example Advertising through media options have often been argued, mostly in the negative connotation, to strongly influence the children and youth. Correspondingly, whether media exposure has been one of the major contributory factors towards the degrading social contexts, especially within the segment comprising of children and youth, has been a commonly debated issue in the global plethora (Villani, 2001). Where scientists accuse these media advertising to influence the psychological as well as the physical growth of the children and the youth, socialists argue 21st century advertising to encourage violence within the society. Stating precisely, obesity, learning behavior of children and youth, lifestyle preferences of these populaces and on the whole the development of these individuals have been widely argued as strongly influenced by advertising in the recent phenomenon (Wiecha and Kim, 2013; Kunkel et. al., 2004). Where on one hand, the significance of advertising has increased in the industrial context; on the other hand, social issues such as school drop-outs, teenage pregnancy rate, violent acts performed by young adolescents as well as obesity has also increased. Hence, researchers have often been inclined towards examining any possible linkage between these alterations in the industrial and the social contexts which has, in major instances, led to the classification of advertising as a negative force in this context. It is worth mentioning in this context that advertising is applied with the sole intention to generate awareness amid the targeted audiences. However, when concentrating on the impacts caused by advertising on the children and youth, either positive or negative, it can be observed that not the intention but the contents of advertising tend to impose major influences on these populaces (Diaz, 2011). Apparently, owing to the fact that a majority of the audiences of media today comprises children or youth, it becomes quite challenging to exclude th ese populaces from the audience group even though the message conveyed through the advertising is actually intended towards other age group people. Role of parental guidance has also been argued in this context which is expected to obstruct the negative influences caused by advertising on the adolescents. However, studies conducted with emphasis on this particular aspect, yet lack precise connotation to the linkage or the impact caused by advertising on children and youth along with the limitation of rational judgments on the role of family as well as the advertisers to combat such an issue (The Australian Psychological Society, 2000). This thesis will be aimed at assessing the linkage between advertising initiatives through television, internet as well as print media and the development of children and youth from a social perspective taking into account the various measures recently adopted by governmental bodies, industrial communities as well as social organizations. With this ai m, the thesis will critically evaluate the psychological as well as the physical impacts caused by advertising on the populaces (i.e. the children and youth) suggesting few remedial actions based on the identified benefits and risks associated with such media exposures. Advertising to the Young Audiences Advertising to the young audiences, that is to the children and the youth has been proved to be quite beneficial for the advertising industry throughout the globe. It has been apparently observed in this similar circumstance that the advertising industry spends nearly about $12 billion per year on making advertisements particularly targeting to the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Questions - Assignment Example It has also made researchers lazy to go to the field and get first-hand research results. The audience accessing education has drastically increased hence much knowledge and skills are being acquired. On the other hand, false information is also found on the internet hence may be misleading to people who are learning. It has been easy for teachers to use the internet to elaborate their point in class and motivate their students. I second the statement to focus technology on e-learning delivery methods in public school districts. E learning is one of the flexible ways for students to participate in learning. In addition, it reduces congestion in schools and the need for the teacher to concentrate too much on the subject matter. With e learning, it is possible to have ready notes right in seconds and attend to assignments and researches. E learning holds the importance of educational opportunities across the globe for vast audiences of learners. Most students in higher learning institutions are proficient in computer uses and skilled at internet navigation. It is a method of acquiring knowledge whose performance is influenced by various factors such as student’s perception regarding ability to do tasks ad achieve goals, motivation to explore, and knowledge desire. Internet has been a source of motivation to learners since it is flexible, diverse and broad (Chang et. al, 2014). The positive aspects of these effects is that learning is interesting and learners are not pushed to engage in learning activities but on the other hand it has brought so much laziness amongst the students and reliance on information that is not true. Constructivism is a significant dominant pedagogy that applies in the e-learning process. It encourages students to build their own knowledge base regarding individual experience. It is considered the ideal aspect of e learning.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Use Of Language Learning Strategies English Language Essay
Use Of Language Learning Strategies English Language Essay The concept of language learning strategy use is important in second language acquisition. Since the first studies conducted in the 1970s, many scholars have revealed the complex processes of developing language competency. Many researchers found that language learning strategy use and successful language learners are correlated. Using this concept, some researchers examined the correlation between language learning strategy use and language proficiency in English as a second or foreign language. These outcomes were different depending on other factors such as age, gender, and nationality. This paper will examine what language learning strategies are used by successful language learners. It also will examine what factors affect favorable language learning use. Introduction Language learning strategies are crucial key for learners and teachers to consider in order to develop students language competency. In the classroom, teachers tend to deal with a group of students at one time, but language learning occurs differently in different individuals. Therefore, one learning strategy works for some students, while that learning strategy may not work for other students. Many researchers have tried to reveal what kinds of factors affect the favored language learning strategy use (Cohen, 1998; Cook, 2001; Macao, 2001; Wenden, 1987; OMalley Chamot, 1990; Oxford, 1990). Different factors, such as age, motivation, nationality, gender and so on, are related to different uses of language learning strategies across individual language learners. However, it is important for teachers to pay more attention to creating the learning spaces for any students in the classroom in order to make them successful language learners. Using language learning strategies not only hel ps students learn the language efficiently and effectively, but also helps teachers use the language learning strategies as a tool in the classroom in order to build their language skills. Once students know their preferred language learning strategy, they can apply this to any situations to accelerate their language competency by themselves. Moreover, knowing what strategy works for particular students may give teachers some ideas for the teaching methods or teaching techniques in the classroom for teachers preparation effectively. Therefore, it is important for both students and teachers to examine what kinds of language learning can facilitate effective learning. Literature Review Definition of language learning strategies The term, language learning strategies, has various definitions according to different researchers. Some researchers stated that learning strategies are processes selected by students in order to improve their learning in their own ways (Cohen, 1998; Cook, 2001; Nunan, 1999; Oxford, 1990). The learners decide to choose which learning strategies to use in their learning. Cohen (1998) emphasized that it is important for learners to choose the elements because those things give them their particular preference learning strategies. In support of the definition of learning strategies, Cohen (1998) added that learning strategies can be actions through the storage, retention, recall, and application of information about that language (p.4). The learning strategies are one of the outcomes from using the language. Moreover, OMally Chamot (1990) argued that the learning strategies are the special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn, or retain new informat ion (p.1). Therefore, the definition of learning strategies focuses learners on how they are able to learn the language consciously and subconsciously. Types of language learning strategy Research on language learning strategy came originally from the field of the cognitive psychology (Mitchell Myles, 2004). In cognitive psychology, some scholars are interested in the information-processing in learners brains with a first or second language use. At the same time, they also were interested in how learners were able to have control over the information by themselves. By knowing the process that learners would take, language educators and researchers have been looking for the effective language learning strategy demanded by ELLs and teachers in order to make them successful language learners. It is important to categorize language learning strategies. At the beginning of the classification of language learning strategies, Rubin (1981) made two categories of language learning strategies. One category is direct learning strategies, such as memorization, monitoring, guessing and so on. The other category is indirect learning strategies, such as creating opportunities for p ractice, using formulaic interaction and so on. In the same vein, Oxford (1990) suggested her own system of language learning strategies. She classified the language learning strategies into two classes and six groups. In the two classes, she used the direct class and indirect class. As for the direct class, the groups are memory strategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies. On the other hand, for the indirect class, the groups are social strategies, affective strategies, and meta-cognitive strategies. This classification provides a comprehensive organization for understanding language learning strategies. Moreover, it is a useful way to analyze language learning strategy use by teachers and learners. In this current study, Oxfords classification system is used in order to determine the language learning strategies. Studies on language learning strategies Researchers and educators started to explore the language learning strategies in the 1970s (Macao, 2001). In the early research about learning strategies, researchers conducted research in the use of language learning strategies in relation to a good language learner. (Macao, 2001; Wenden, 1987). Studies have shown cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies are used the most among all strategies (Green Oxford, 1995; Hong-Nam Leavell, 2006; Rahimi et al, 2008) However, after a few decades, research studies have started to investigate the use of language learning strategies connected to other factors, such as the proficiency of the language, gender, and ethnicity. In in English in the English as Foreign language (EFL) settings, researchers found that successful learners tended to employ language learning strategies more than less successful learners (Green Oxford, 1995; Lai, 2009). In English as a Second Language (ESL) settings, Hong-Nam Leavell (2006) found that students in the intermediate level used the most language learning strategies of the three different English proficiency levels. It is important to see that learners tend to employ the language learning strategies to develop their language learning both in the EFL setting and in the ESL setting. Moreover, learners at different levels of English proficiency have showed their preferable strategies use (Green Oxford, 1995; Lai, 2009; Hong-Nam Leavell, 2006). The more proficient students are, the more they tend to choose meta-cognitive or cognitive strategies to use. On the other hand, the less proficient students are, the more they tend to use social or memory strategies. The profici ency level is related to the choice of learning strategies made by the learners. Other studies focused on the use of language learning strategies in relation to gender (Green Oxford, 1995; Lai, 2009; Hong-Nam Leavell, 2006, Rahimi et al, 2009, Reid, 1987). Many researchers found that women tend to use language learning strategies more than men. However, Rahimi et al. (2009) found that there was no difference of strategy use between genders. One of the reasons for this could be the participants age. Rahimi et al. used post-secondary students as their participants, while other studies used university students as their participants. It is also important to consider the age factor concerning the strategy use. In addition to this, Hong-Nam Leavell (2006) gave the evidence that gender differences affect students preferable language learning strategies differently. Therefore, there may be some relationship between the language learning strategy use and the gender factor. There are also some research studies about the use of language learning strategies in relation to learners ethnic background. Hong-Nam and Leavell (2006) found that most students preferred to use meta-cognitive strategies. On the other hand, Chinese students preferred to use the social strategy. In the same vein, Macaro (2001) found that Italian students reported social strategy use more than English students. However, it is hard to say that there is a particular favored learning strategy use by different learners nationalities. In addition to this, patterns across nationality or ethnicity may be related to different factors like personal characteristics, culture, and received learning strategy use in the class. The purpose of the study The purpose of this current study is to extend the existing literature to investigate the use of language learning strategies for ESL students in the university level in the ESL setting. In this study, participants have already entered the university as undergraduate or graduate students. The study examines what kinds of language learning strategies are most commonly used by the students in order to succeed in academic classes at universities. This study will use multiple variables, such as age, gender, ethnicity, and the English proficiency level, in order to see some relationship between the use of language learning strategies and the other variables. In addition to this, the study will examine how the use of language learning strategies may be related to the length of time in the United States and the length of time studying in the United States. This study tries to answer these questions. What language learning strategies are used by university ESL students in order to succeed in academic classes at the university level? Are there any different uses of language learning strategies between undergraduate students and graduate students? Are these any different uses of language learning strategies between genders? Are there any differences for the language learning strategy use by each nationality? Does the length of time studying in the United States or the length of time in the United States predict the university ESL students language learning strategy use? Methods This current study used mixed methods in order to identify the use of language learning strategies for English as Second Language (ESL) Learners at the university level. Data were collected by using an online survey site. Sample and Site Selection The study involved 300 international students enrolled at University of Nevada, Reno as undergraduate or graduate students. They came from over 30 different countries and they have a variety of majors. The participants are male (160) and female (140). All the participants are only taking academic classes and are full time students with student visa (F-1) status at the University of Nevada, Reno. In order to take only academic classes at University of Nevada, Reno, all international students need to have a score of at least 61 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) internet based test for both undergraduate and graduate school. In addition to this, they need to pass the bridge test given by the Intensive English Language Center (IELC). If students do not pass the bridge test, they need to take bridge English classes in order to build their English skills. All the participants in this study passed the bridge test or have taken a bridge classes. Additionally, some students recently arrived at the United State to start the school, while some students have been the United States for over five years. The selected site for this study was at the University of Nevada, Reno. It had a total of 553 international students enrolled on the fall 2010. The number consisted of 217 students for undergraduate school and 336 students for graduate school. They came from 66 different countries to study at University of Nevada, Reno. The school offers over 145 degree programs and three different education levels. Instruments In this study, a participants self-reported questionnaire, short answer questions about the use of language learning strategies, and a background information questionnaire were used. For the participants self-reported survey, the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL version 7.0 for ESL/EFL) developed by Oxford (1990) was used. According to Oxford and Burry-Stack (1995), Cronbachs alpha for the SILL studies has been .85-.95 in order to show the degree of precision on an instrument. These numbers were high, but it showed that the measurement error is minimal (Oxford Burry-Stack, 1995, p.7). The SILL has 50 strategy items and is divided into six categories: Memory strategy, cognitive strategy, compensation strategy, metacognitive strategy, affective strategy and social strategy. The SILL used a 5-point scale for each strategy item ranging from 1, never or almost never true of me to 5, always or almost always true of me. After rating all the items and adding the score for each category, the reporting score can identify which categories of language learning strategies were used the most by each participant. Looking at the results of the scores, there was a basic scale developed by Oxford (1990). The high frequency rate of strategy use was a range from 3.5 to 5. The medium frequency rate was a range from 2.5 to 3.5. The low frequency rate was a range from 2.4 to 1.0 using this scale Additionally, the qualitative questions about the use of language learning strategies were added by the researcher. These questions focused on when to use, and how to use, learning strategies in their academic context, and how they are used differently in English or in their native language. The background information questionnaire was created by the researcher based on an Individual Background Questionnaire (IBQ) developed by Hong-Nan and Leavell (2006). The questionnaire asked for information about age, gender, nationality, native language, the TOEFL score, time of English study, time in the United States, time of schooling, and rate of English proficiency. As instruments for this study, these three different kinds of questions took 40 -50 minutes of the participants time. Data collection and analysis An online survey with all three components of questions was created using Qualtrics Labs, Inc. software, Version 15877 of the Qualtrics Research Suite. Participants were invited by email to complete the online survey at the middle of the semester. They were asked to take the online survey by the end of the semester. In order to increase the rate of their responses on online surveys, email reminders were sent several times. In the email, the researcher explained the purpose of the study and the data collection procedure to the participants and included the URL link for the survey. Their answers in the online survey will remain completely anonymous. The Data analysis has two different parts in this study: the quantitative and the qualitative analysis. In the quantitative analysis, the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and background information were used to calculate the overall strategy use by looking at the computation of descriptive statistics in order to know which language learning strategies were used most commonly. ANOVA analysis was used in order to find out whether there were any differences between the use of language learning strategies and the other factors . The independent variables were these factors such as, such as age, gender, nationalities, the educational levels, the time spent the United States, and the time studying in the United States, while the dependent variable was the use of language learning strategies. In the qualitative analysis, the short answer questions in the online survey were used in order to support recurrent themes for quantitative analysis. Appendix A. Short answer questionnaire. How do you use learning styles differently when you study your major in your language and in English? How do you apply learning styles for all subjects that you are taking? Are there any differences depending on the subject? What are your favorite learning styles in your classes that you use in order to be a successful student? Appendix B. Background information Please fill out the most appropriate answer to you. Which student are you? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Undergraduate student à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ graduate student What is your gender? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Male à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Female What is your major? Where are you from? What is your native language? How old are you? How long did you study English in your country? How long have you been living in the United States? How long have you studied English in the United States? How long have you been a student in the United States? Could you tell me about your most recent TOEFL score? TOEFL score The date of TOEFL
Friday, October 25, 2019
Ocean Discovery Teaches Animal Cruelty :: essays research papers fc
At Six Flags Marine World in Vallejo, CA a new exhibit was opened to provide an interactive experience with the parks residents. These â€Å"Ocean Discovery†exhibits now include a 200,000 gallon tank containing three to five of the parks 14 Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins. The dolphins have been removed from their natural habitats deprived from an annexed refuge and placed in petting pools poorly located and smaller than that of an average living room. In these petting pools, dolphins are feed buy the visitors who reward the mammals by giving them fish in return for letting the humans touch them. The most dominate of the dolphins and those most willing to accept human touch receives the most human attention in return getting the most fish. In some cases visitors have been observed feeding french fries, sandwiches, and even left over soda to the dolphins. One report observed dolphins in a petting pool so obese the blow holes which the mammals expel air from had been covered by fat cells To escape the constant feeding and noise some parks have added refuges where the dolphins may go if they do not chose to interact however no such refuge has been added to the pool at Marine World. The dolphins must interact continuously through out the twelve hour day of the park and then many hours after closing as they are put through medical checks, pool maintenance, training                                                   Robinett 2 and feeding. Marine World representatives state that the dolphins could avoid interaction by swimming to the edge of the pool where the visitors were not allowed access. On a recent visit to the park, people were observed on all sides of the pool. They continue this work day with out breaks as visitors have non-stop access during the parks operating hours seven days a week. The pool Marine World had created for the dolphins is located directly below two of its largest and busiest attractions, two roller coasters called Vertical Velocity and Roar which not only brings noise levels into the unpleasant scenario but sends a rather noticeable vibration through the ground with each pass of the rides car. Unfortunately for the dolphins, this location also does not include much shade, is close to the nearby interstate, parking lot, and fairgrounds. Legislation on how these pools are kept would, their occupants treated and visitors educated, petting pools such as these will continue to be harmful to the
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cal by Bernard Mac Laverty †Critical Evaluation Essay
â€Å"Cal†is a romantic-tragedy novel written by the Irish author, Bernard Mac Laverty. It is a fiction story about a young man living in Northern Ireland during the troubles of the 1970s. The writer conveys a number of significant themes through skilful writing and the novel’s plot, such as guilt, hypocrisy and bigotry. In this essay, I will be focusing on the themes of the story, the purpose of why the novel was written and the author’s use of imagery to enhance his writing. The events of this story take place in Northern Ireland in the 1970’s. During the period of time in which this story is set in, Northern Ireland was going through what we would now refer to as being â€Å"The Troubles†. This was a period of conflict involving republican and loyalist paramilitary organisations and included conflicts and violence. â€Å"Cal†is about a young adult named Cal who is living in Northeren Ireland at this time. He is a Catholic living in a Protestant area with his father, Shamie. This leads to him being the victom of many bigotry driven attacks, such as his house being burnt down and to him being insulted on his own street. He starts to fall in love with a woman named Marcella, which, from the very beginning, is a doomed relationship. This is because a year earlier Cal was reluctantly involved in the murder of a Protestant policeman, who was, in fact, Marcella’s husband. Cal becomes closer and closer to Marcella as the novel goes on, and you find out more about the murder as the plot develops. He then lands himself a job at Mrs. Mortons farm, the mother of Marcella’s husband, Robert. This brings him even closer to Marcella and they start to have a relationship with each other. This relationship becomes even more intense when Cal is offered to stay in Mrs. Morton’s outhouse (as his house had been burnt down). He is then arrested at the end of the novel, for the murder of Robert. The ending of the story was very skilfully done. Near the end of the story, Mac Laverty builds up massive tension through certain events in the plot. It is then all concluded in a small, yet effective, paragraph. It tells us enough information to feel satifsfied, yet wanting to know more. It leaves key questions in the reader’s mind such as whether he deserved it or not and what will be his fate. I believe that the plot is a very important aspect of the story as it develops the mood and atmosphere and it is the events which take place which allow the themes to be conveyed. All the characters in â€Å"Cal†have complicated lifes. Most of them have good and bad sides and are all affected in different ways by the troubles. Cal is nineteen years old. He lives with his father and he is a Catholic. He is caught up with the IRA (Irish Republican Party) and takes part in a number of crimes which he does not want to be part of. After he joined, he had to do what they asked, such as when Cal thinks of the things the IRA do: â€Å"They shoot deserters – even deserters who protested that they had never joined in the first place.†This quotation shows that Cal is scared of Crilly and Skeffington (members of the IRA) and that he is in danger. It also shows that Cal never wanted to take part in the violence – making it sound stupid that they would shoot him. This whole section shows that Cal is vunerable. The writer makes out that Robert is a hard working loving man throughout the story. For example, when Marcella is telling Cal about her husband: â€Å"He was so plausible – one of those people that everybody likes in company.†This quote shows that Robert was popular and was a worthy man, and there is also evidence showing that â€Å"he was witty and intelligent†. However, we later find out that he was not all what he was meant to have been, as Marcella confesses to Cal: â€Å"He told lies, Cal. All the time. About his affairs I know he had two or three at least – about his drinking and the money he spent†This is an example of how the characters have both good and bad characteristics. Despite this, Marcella still loved him and was distraught when he was murdered. This also makes the characters more realistic, which lets the reader relate to the different characters in â€Å"Cal†. It also creates the question of ‘who was too blame for The Troubles’ which relates to the theme and purpose of the novel, which I will be discussing later in this essay. All of the characters are affected by the troubles as well, as most of their problems are due to that situation. For example, if it was not for the troubles, then Cal would not have been involved with the IRA and Robert wouldn’t have been murdered, taking problems out of all of the characters lives. All of the characters’ features reflect the themes, such as Cal’s characteristic of being vunerable, leading to his self loathing and guilt. There are many themes in the novel ‘Cal’. One of these themes that I will be focusing on is the theme of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy means the pretence of possessing virtues, beliefs or qualities that one does not really have, especially in matters of religion or morality. One way in which the author displays this theme is via specific characters, such as Crilly. Crilly is part of a gang who are fighting for independence from Great Britain. For example, when Skeffington is talking about Crilly: â€Å"There are not many aspects of our culture which interests Mr Crilly. But he’s a useful man.†This quote shows that Crilly does not care about Irish independence and culture but is only in the gang as he likes the thrill of violence. It also shows that the IRA are not offended about his beliefs – but just want him to help with their struggle. This shows them being hypocritical as they kill people who do not believe or reject their views, but someone who does not care about Irish independence can help with the violence. Another way in which hypocrisy is showing is through thoughts of characters and their dialogue. This is taking from a part where Dunlop (Cal’s Protestant employer) is talking to Cal about the situation in Northern Ireland: â€Å"Would you do the same to the Loyalist prisoners every time a Catholic was murdered?†Dunlop thinks that for any Protestant policeman who is murdered by a Catholic, two Catholics should be shot. This quotes shows that Dunlop is a hypocrite as he would shoot two Catholics every time a Protestant policeman was murdered but not if it was the other way around. This also shows that Dunlop is a bigot, which ties in with my next theme, bigotry. A bigot is a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to their own religion, or opinion. Bigotry is the main cause of fear and violence in the story. One night, Cal and his father receive a note stating: â€Å"GET OUT YOU FENYAN SCUM OR WE’LL BURN YOU OUT. THIS IS YOUR 2ND WARNING, THERE WILL BE NO OTHER UVF†This clearly diplays pure bigotry. Cal and his father are being threatened to leave their home of many years, just because of their religion. This quote also shows how ignorant the UVF are, as they have spelt â€Å"fenyan†wrongly. This leads to Cal and his father being fearful, for example: â€Å"†¦Shamie was putting the gun beneath his pillow and climbing into bed†This shows that Cal’s father has to keep a weapon underneath his pillow as there is a constant threat of violence. Another theme which has been cleverly developed is the theme of guilt. Cal feels guilty about his involvement in the killing of Robert, which leads to his self-loathing. At the start of the novel, the writer makes this very obvious: â€Å"Merde. Crotte de chein. Merderer.†Cal hates himself so much, that he makes up words to describe himself. The word â€Å"merderer†has a possible two meanings; it shows that he is guilty and secondly it shows his self loathing. As he becomes more and more involved with Marcella, his guilt increases: â€Å"Now that he felt safe from the world outside he was being attacked from within his own head†This quote is taken from the section where he is living and working with Marcella. It shows that guilt is eating him up and is destroying him and his life. The author also uses writing techniques to convey the theme of guilt: â€Å"It was as if idleness had allowed dirt to accumulate on his [Cal] soul, to clog his mind, and work moved him through it untouched†Mac Laverty uses this metaphor to show how Cal was brooding over Morton’s death and his involvement. It also shows that he thinks that he deserves to go to hell for what he has done. When Marcella tells Cal about what Robert was really like, it complicates his guilt as he now knows that Robert sometimes brought misery to Marcella, and maybe it was good that Robert was murdered. All of these themes show the writer’s purpose in writing. He shows bad and good sides to both Protestant and Catholic organisations, leading to us to wonder which is the good side in the novel. The story also shows us how difficult and violent Northern Ireland was at that time in history, and how deeply everybody was affected. To an extent, the way the author writes also shows aspects of him being a bit ashamed of his country, due to the negative details and feelings he writes about. Mac Laverty uses a range of techniques to create the mood and atmosphere in the novel. One of these techniques, is his use of imagery. The story starts with this mood with the author describing the scenes taking place in an abattoir: â€Å"It was immediately winched up by one of the hind shanks and its throat cut†The author uses a lot of violence and blood imagery at the start of the novel to set the tone of the book. Other evidence which shows this use of evidence is that there are a lot of deaths and murders mentioned in the novel. An example of this is when Cal and his father are watching the news and the author describes the events that had happened, which were mainly murders and violence, in a way which seemed to be normal. Death permeates the novel as does religion. There are often references to the Bible and to religious symbols throughout the novel. Symbolism is another technique that Mac Laverty uses. There is also symbolism to certain fairytales, such as when Marcella is talking to Cal about her daughter, Lucy: â€Å"Lucy’s favourite story at the minute is Repunzel†This is significant as Marcella feels like she is trapped because she tries to do the right thing. The plot has been structured in a sophisticated way. The story has two climaxes: one in the middle and the other at the end. The first one occurs when the writer tells you about the death of Robert. This is significant as there is a huge tension built up before you find out. The author does this via short clues which are spread out throughout the novel and short sentences. The second climax is done in a similar way, but the paragraph in which it concludes, is quick and snappy and tells of only the most significant point, which is Cal being arrested. The dialogue of the novel is very realistic. The author does this by using Irish forms of slang, such as ‘da’ instead of dad, and explicit language. The writer also uses great techniques to enhance his writing: â€Å"His sin clawed at him, demanding attention†The writer personifies the idea of the sin, describing the feeling of it clawing, to give the idea of Cal’s guilt and how is is destroying him and is eating him up. The verb ‘clawing’ is associated with violence and adds to the imagery that the author uses to enhance his novel and to create the atmosphere. I thoroughly enjoyed reading ‘Cal’. It made me realise how lives can be ruined due to situations which do not even involve them. The themes of the novel also made me more aware about some people’s views and how they can sometimes be full of violence and hatred. It showed me what life was like in Ireland in those days and how we have to try to avoid anything so destructive from happening again.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Project resource management
Project resource managementa)     Direct costs are the costs that are directly attributed to the cost of an activity. They are directly involved in the performance of such an activity. They include direct material purchases, direct labour cost and other direct costs, which can be attributed to a certain activity/ a process. Here, the direct cost includes, the cost of software, the cost of direct labour, force and other direct labour costs made on this project.Direct material purchasesCost of software $670000Cost of 6 [email protected] 3250 each is $19500Cost of backup software at $4500 each is $27000Direct labour (at $ 54 per labour hour)2 programmers each 40 hours is $43201 database manager for 60 hours is $32402 project analysts for 250 hours is $270001 operations analysts for 20 hours is $10801 interface manager for 20 hours is #10801 networking analysts for 50 hours is $2700Total of direct project cost is $(670000+ 19500+ 27000+4320+3240+27000+1080+1080+2700)Ge neral administration costs are the cost whose expenditure cannot be directly attributed to a specific activity. However, for this project, all expenses/ costs are manifested to be direct/ exclusively affiliated to the project hence they have not been featured in this projectb)     Time phased budget is plan of action, which shows various components of activities in an organizational project in relation to the various cost components. This can be illustrated asActivity                                      CostCost of software                           603000Maintenance of software              67000Serves                                            19500Backup software                            27000Programmers                                  4320Database manager                           3240Project analysis                              27000Operation analysts                          1080Interface                                          1080NetworkingÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â à ‚                    2700Total                                                755920c)       In determining this budget, the team had to use various sets of data. Firstly, the importance of market cost of software inputs was considered. In all cases, it’s important for an organization to estimate a budget using the actual cost of a product or a service. This will help to have an overview of the appropriate cost of these products or activities. Either, the financial outlay is an equally important variable to consider when approximating a budget. For the team, importance was therefore attached to the financial constraint, which could be used to finance the  project. Budgets are limited to a specific cost variable. Therefore, a person should always e nsure that he works out his budget within the limits of this financial constraint. (Hanniqan, Browne, 2000)d)        The accuracy of these estimates was influenced by many factors. Broadly, a number of risks can act to influence the accuracy of a budget. Firstly, market risks and uncertainties will act effect to a budget. At the market, are various sets of risks and uncertainties whose influence can highly affect the actual state of a budget estimate. These markets are such as the product, labour, and money markets. Within the product market are the various risks that work to bring disequilibria in the supply and demand of the goods and services. These changes are normally in abrupt/ incidental in their occurrence. With such market instabilities, the equilibrium state of the supply and demand is consequently affected. Previously, the stable interactive forces of the demand and supply help to determine the equilibrium quantities and prices. With the resulting trends of instabilities, such budget approximates (prices) will be destabilized which results into a varying state of the budgeted from the actual price of goods.The equilibrium state of the money market works to determine the stability in supply and demand for money. However, in case of instability within the economy, this equilibrium is affected resulting into a changing scale of the money supply and demand. Such a case will determine various states of a countries currency purchasing power (inflation and deflation).           For this budget therefore, its accuracy could be highly affected by the changing states of the money market (the effects of money supply and  demand on its purchasing power)An important factor within the project cost is labour. Labour supply and demand is a factor of consideration in approximating the budget. The price of labour can be affected by the changing states of the market supply and demand for labour. Such ch anges will affect the pay (wages) for labour within an organization. For this budget, the forces within the market could otherwise influence the labour cost. (Badiru, 1993)The priority concept could be of a high influence on the accuracy of the budget. Depending on teams understanding on the priority concept of various cost elements, accuracy would have been compromised in a case where the cost variable was entered in a biased manner. Some cost factors could have been assumed more important than others, which would not be the case.Different political risk variables affect the cost factors of budgets. This is where, various political shocks may act to affect the state in which various cost results of the market system would be. These are examples of the various government and political regulations that affect the costing system of various commodities and services. Different political risks also affect the purchasing power of the countries currency. The purchasing power of such a currency is an important factor in determining the accuracy of a budget. Since budget is a plan of expenditure for a certain amount of money, the allocation is however vulnerable to changes depending on the changing prices of the requirements of the budget. The approximate level of risk premiums and allowances allocated by the budget. For accuracy in budget, a risk premium is allowed that helps to capture any external shocks that would therefore affect the actual state of the budget. However, this depends on the interest of the budgeter with varying premiums levels for such different budgets. For each premium, the final accuracy is different in regard to how such premiums would be able to capture these external shocks.E) Before engagement into a budget exercise, the micro and macro factors should be considered. This is in the relevance of the issues that the project would have an influence at both within and outside environment. To this team, this concept application was not an exce ption. Within its micro approach, the team observed the influence of the project budget in relation to the external environment. It considered the various components that were to be related between the project and the entire national outlook as a whole. Since this is a hospital project, the broader community within the state will use it. The intensity of the project is depended on the scale of the service to be given as output by it. The scale of the project is been done in the recognition of the users to be served by the same. The material cost, the quality and intensity have also been subject to consideration in setting the budget.To the micro-level importance has therefore been importance in determining this project. The micro-level consideration has been through an analysis of the factors (in terms of facilities and resources) working within the hospital that depended of profit. Due to the variety of the resource factors, a specific size of a software project could only have bee n hoisted by the hospital facilities. With this aspect in mind, the project budgeting and evaluation has therefore been done with the hospital’s resource variable adequately in mind. The intensity of the facility affiliated to the project is in congruent to the holding capacity of the resources. This has been the team’s view of optimal resource allocations for most optimal benefits. With this concept therefore, the team budgeted the project with an understanding of the relative benefits that would come as service output of the project in relation to the resources. Lack of optimal costing would lead to lower service output of the project in relation to the cost input. (Martin, 2002)Lack of optimal costing would lead to lower service benefits given out by the project. Either, resources include the holding capacity of the hospital facilities. Importance has also attached to the purchase of project inputs that would adequately lead to a maximum output, efficiency, quality and fast data processing by the software project.f) Within the project were a number of constraints that were highly affecting its efficiency. Basically, the constraints fall both within macro and micro level of the project. Firstly, the hospitals resources constraint was all an important constraint of consideration. The team understood that any un-optimal allocation of the project that would not concur with the project resource capacity was costly. This was the firstly consideration within the teams budget schedule for the project. In its understanding therefore, it felt that any un-optimal project expenditure was highly risk for its future benefits. Considering this however, the allocations were done in accordance to the prevailing resource situation of the hospital.Either, financial constraint fetched an important factor in consideration to the cost expenditure for the project. On recognizing the limited supply of the finance for the budget, the allocation were done on priority m anner, with the most important cost factor been employed. Sourcing of material and other projects costs were budgeted in correspondence to the most economical purchasing costs for these variables. Costing is done on the cheapest scale possible through the most quality manner.With the impact of both the market and political risks factors as constraints in consideration, the team could not compromise on their priority. To the team, these risks played an important role in determining the accuracy of the budget plan. It therefore employed various risk premiums and allowances as a variable to capture the external shocks that could be on influence to the structure of the budget. Within their budget scheme therefore, a miscellaneous cost variable could not have been left out whose importance was to cater for any changes in the exact cost perimeter of project cost.References:Hanninqan, C & Browne, M (2000) Project Management : Going the Distance.Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â à ‚                      International Journal of Instructional Media, Vol.27Badiru,A(1993) Qualitative Models For Project Planning, Scheduling and                 Control.Westport,CT: Quorum Books.Martin (2002) Managing Projects in Health and Social Care. London: Routledge.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
A Peek at the Physics Behind Multiple Universes
A Peek at the Physics Behind Multiple Universes The sciences of physics and astrophysics explore a great many interesting ideas about the universe. One of the most intriguing is the concept of multiple universes. Its also referred to as parallel universe theory. This is the idea that our universe is not the only one in existence. Most people have heard of the possibility of more than one universe from science fiction stories and movies. Far from being an imaginary idea, multiple universes can exist, according to modern physics. However, its one thing to devise a theory about their existence, but quite another to actually detect them. This is something that modern physics is wrestling with, using observations of distant light signals from the Big Bang as data. What Are Multiple Universes? Just as our universe, with all its stars, galaxies, planets, and other structures exists and can be studied, physicists suspect that other universes filled with matter and space exist in parallel with ours. They may or may not be exactly like ours. Chances are that theyre not. They might have different laws of physics than we do, for example. They dont necessarily intersect with ours, but they may collide with it. Some theorists go so far as to explain that each person has a twin or mirror in the other universes. This is one interpretation of the multiple-universe theory called the many-worlds approach. It says that there are many universes out there. Star Trek fans, for example, will recognize this from such episodes as Mirror Mirror in the original series, Parallels in Next Generation, and others. Theres another interpretation of multiple universes that gets quite complex and is an outgrowth of quantum physics, which is the physics of the very small. It deals with interactions at the level of atoms and subatomic particles (which make up atoms). Basically, quantum physics says that small interactions - called quantum interactions - happen. When they do, they have far-reaching consequences and set up endless possibilities with endless outcomings from those interactions. As an example, imagine that in our universe a person takes a wrong turn on the way to a meeting. They miss the meeting and lose a chance to work on a new project. If they hadnt missed the turn, they would have gone to the meeting and gotten the project. Or, they missed the turn, and the meeting, but met someone else who offered them a better project. there are endless possibilities, and each one (if it happens) spurs endless consequences. In parallel universes, ALL of those actions and reactions and consequences take place, one to each universe. This implies that there are parallel universes where all possible outcomes are happening simultaneously. Yet, we only observe the action in our own universe. All the other actions, we dont observe, but they are happening in parallel, elsewhere. We dont observe them, but they happen, at least theoretically. Can Multiple Universes Exist? The argument in favor of multiple universes involves many interesting thought experiments. One delves into cosmology (which is the study of the origin and evolution of the universe) and something called the fine-tuning problem. This says that as we grow to understand the way our universe is constructed, our existence in it grows more precarious. As physicists have examined the way the universe has changed over time since the Big Bang, they suspect that had the early conditions of the universe been just a bit different, our universe could have evolved to be inhospitable to life. In fact, if a universe spontaneously came into existence, physicists would expect it to spontaneously collapse or possibly to expand so rapidly that particles never really interact with each other. British physicist, Sir Martin Reese wrote extensively about this idea in his classic book Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape the Universe. Multiple Universes and a Creator Using this idea of finely-tuned properties in the universe, some argue for the need of a creator. Tgbe existence of such a being (for which there is no proof), doesnt explain properties of the universe. Physicists would like to understand those properties without invoking a deity of any kind. The easiest solution would just be to say, Well, thats how it is. However, thats not really an explanation. It just represents a remarkable lucky break that a single universe would come into being and that universe would just happen to have the very precise properties needed to develop life. Most physical properties would result in a universe that collapses into nothingness instantly. Or, it continues to exist and expands into a vast sea of nothingness. It isnt just a matter of trying to explain human beings as we happen to exist, but of explaining the very existence of any sort of universe. Another idea, which fits well with quantum physics, says that there is, indeed, a vast number of universes, which with different properties. Within that multiverse of universes, some subset of them (including our own) would contain properties that allow them to exist for relatively long periods of time. That means a subset (including our own universe) would have the properties that allow them to form complex chemicals and, ultimately, life. Others would not. And, that would be okay, since quantum physics tells us that all possibilities can exist. String Theory and Multiple Universes String theory (which states that all the different fundamental particles of matter are manifestations of a basic object called a string) has recently begun to support this idea. This is because there is a vast number of possible solutions to string theory. In other words, if string theory is correct then there are still many different ways to construct the universe. String theory presents the idea of extra dimensions at the same that it includes a structure to think about where these other universes could be located. Our universe, which includes four dimensions of spacetime, seems to exist in a universe that may contain as many as 11 total dimensions. That multi-dimensional region is often called the bulk by string theorists. Theres no reason to think that the bulk couldnt contain other universes in addition to our own. So, it is sort of a universe of universes.  Detection is a Problem The question of a multiverses existence is secondary to being able to detect other universes. So far no one has found solid evidence for another universe. That doesnt mean they arent out there. The evidence may be something we havent yet recognized. Or our detectors arent sensitive enough. Eventually, physicists will find a way using solid data to find parallel universes and measure at least some of their properties. That could be a long way away, however. Edited and updated by Carolyn Collins Petersen.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Transition Metals †Properties of the Element Group
Transition Metals - Properties of the Element Group The largest group of elements is the transition metals. Here is a look at the location of these elements and their shared properties. What Is a Transition Metal? Of all the groups of elements, the transition metals can be the most confusing to identify because there are different definitions of which elements should be included. According to the IUPAC, a transition metal is any element with a partially filled d electron sub-shell. This describes groups 3 through 12 on the periodic table, although the f-block elements (lanthanides and actinides, below the main body of the periodic table) are also transition metals. The d-block elements are called transition metals, while the lanthanides and actinides are called inner transition metals. The elements are called transition metals because the English chemistry Charles Bury used the term in 1921 to describe the transition series of elements, which referred to the transition from an inner electron layer with a stable group of 8 electrons to one with 18 electrons or the transition from 18 electrons to 32. Location of the Transition Metals on the Periodic Table The transition elements are located in groups IB to VIIIB of the periodic table. In other words, the transition metals are elements: 21 (scandium) through 29 (copper)39 (yttrium) through 47 (silver)57 (lanthanum) through 79 (gold)89 (actinium) through 112 (copernicium) - which includes the lanthanides and actinides Another way to view it is that the transition metals include the d-block elements, plus many people consider the f-block elements to be a special subset of transition metals. While aluminum, gallium, indium, tin, thallium, lead, bismuth, nihonium, flerovium, moscovium, and livermorium are metals, these basic metals have less metallic character than other metals on the periodic table and tend not to be considered as transition metals. Overview of Transition Metal Properties Because they possess the properties of metals, the transition elements are also known as the transition metals. These elements are very hard, with high melting points and boiling points. Moving from left to right across the periodic table, the five d orbitals become more filled. The d electrons are loosely bound, which contributes to the high electrical conductivity and malleability of the transition elements. The transition elements have low ionization energies. They exhibit a wide range of oxidation states or positively charged forms. The positive oxidation states allow transition elements to form many different ionic and partially ionic compounds. The formation of complexes causes the d orbitals to split into two energy sublevels, which enables many of the complexes to absorb specific frequencies of light. Thus, the complexes form characteristic colored solutions and compounds. Complexation reactions sometimes enhance the relatively low solubility of some compounds. Quick Summary of the Transition Metal Properties Low ionization energiesPositive oxidation statesMultiple oxidation states, since there is a low energy gap between themVery hardExhibit metallic lusterHigh melting pointsHigh boiling pointsHigh electrical conductivityHigh thermal conductivityMalleableForm colored compounds, due to d-d electronic transitionsFive d orbitals become more filled, from left to right on the periodic tableTypically form paramagnetic compounds because of the unpaired d electronsTypically exhibit high catalytic activity
Sunday, October 20, 2019
AMC 12
How to Study for the Math Olympiad AMC 10/AMC 12 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Have you ever wondered what it would take to represent America at the International Math Olympiad? Or maybe you’re a strong math student who is wondering what opportunities are available to you outside the classroom? In this article, we'll answer all your Math Olympiad questions! We’ll explain what it takes to qualify for the International Math Olympiad and how to ace the qualifying tests – the AMC 10 and AMC 12. How Do You Qualify for Math Olympiad? In this section we discuss the three key steps to qualifying for Math Olympiad. Step 1: Take the AMC 10 or AMC 12 The AMC 10 and AMC 12 are nationwide tests administered by the Mathematical Association of America that qualify you for the American Invitational Mathematics Exam (AIME). Only those with top scores will be invited to take the AIME.The MAA recommends 9thand 10thgraders take the AMC 10, and thand 12thgraders take the AMC 12. You can take the AMC 10 and/or 12 multiple times. The AMC 10 and AMC 12 each have 25 questions. You have 75 minutes for the entire exam. Each correct answer is worth 6 points (for a maximum score of 150) and each unanswered question is worth 1.5 points.There is no deduction for wrong answers. Note thatyou don’t need to get all of the questions right to get a qualifying score.You just have to do better than most of the other students taking the exam! Keep that in mind as you come up with a strategy for the test. Youneed to be in the top 5% of scorers on the AMC 12 or the top 2.5% of scorerson the AMC 10to qualify, so the vast majority of people who take the AMC exams don't qualify. But, if you do, you can take the AIME. Step 2: Take the AIME The AIME is a 15-question, three-hour exam, and each answer is an integer between 0 and 999, inclusive. Regardless of whether you took the AMC 10 or AMC 12, everyone takes the same AIME. It's offered once a year (with an alternate test date available for those who can't make the official exam date) in the spring.Unlike the AMC 10 and the AMC 12, you can only take the AIME once, so you want to make sure you do your best on it. After you take the AIME, your AIME score is multiplied by ten and added to your AMC score to determine if you qualify for Math Olympiad. The cutoff score for qualifying changes yearly, but it's set so about 260-270 students qualify for Math Olympiad each year. Step 3: Qualify for and Compete in Math Olympiad If you do well on the AIME, you can qualify for the US Mathematical Olympiad. The top scorers from that competition then have the opportunity to train to be on the US team that competes at the International Math Olympiad. (You can find more info on this process over at the Mathematical Association of American website.) It’s a long process to get to the IMO, and very few students make it that far. But even just taking the AIME can set you apart in the college admissions process, especially if you are interested in engineering programs. Along with a high GPA and strong SAT/ACT scores, taking the AIME is a way to signal to colleges you have superior math and problem-solving skills. How Can You Learn Math Olympiad Content? Math through pre-calculus covers most topics tested on the AMC 10 and 12 and the AIME, but math competition problems will be trickier than what you see on your usual math homework assignments. If you’re not up to pre-calculus in school yet, your first task will be learning the content before focusing on how to solve problems that the AMC 10 and 12 tend to ask. See if there is a teacher or peer who is willing to tutor you if you haven’t taken pre-calculus. You could also see if it’s possible to take the course over the summer to get caught up quickly. In the meantime, you can explore parts of your own math textbook you haven’t gotten to yet, or ask to borrow textbooks from teachers at your school if you want to brush up on a topic not covered in the math class you’re taking this year. Also check out these online content resources from the MAA to help you study. How Can You Learn Problem-Solving Skills? The key to doing well on AMC is not just knowing math and being able to do rote problems, but to know concepts inside and out and be able to use them to solve tricky problems. Think outside the textbook. The website Art of Problem Solving is a hub for math competition resources and problems, and has been mentioned by many former AMC-takers as a top resource. They have pages on learning to solve certain types of problems, advice on the best prep books, and forums where you can talk to other AIME hopefuls about studying and strategy. This page provides links to practice problems and prep books and is a great place to get started. Our advice to study for the AMC is to do lots of practice problems, and then correct them. Carefully analyze your weaknesses. Don’t just notice what you did wrong, get inside your head and figure out why you got a problem wrong and how you will work to get it correct the next time. To improve your problem-solving ability, you can also consider borrowing or purchasing books specifically about solving math problems. Try How To Solve It by George Polya, Problem-Solving Strategies by Arthur Engel, or Challenging Problems in Algebra by Alfred Posamentier and Charles Salkind. These books will give you skills not typically taught in your math classes. How to Prepare for Math Olympiad Studying is more than just putting the time in. You want to make sure you are using the best practice problems and really analyzing your weak points to get your math skills to where they need to be. Read on to learn the six tips you need to follow to study like a pro. #1: Use Quality Practice Problems Use practice problems from past AMCs when possible. You want to prepare for the format and type of questions on the AMC. Any problem-solving practice you get will be helpful, but if you’re set on qualifying the AIME, you should spend the majority of your time prepping for AMC-type questions. If you're unclear on how to solve a problem, ask your math teacher, a math team friend, or an online forum like the one at Art of Problem Solving. The better you understand each AMC problem you encounter, the more likely you are to be prepared for the real thing. #2: Don't Lounge Around Quality practice time is key! Make sure to time yourself and simulate real test-taking conditions when doing practice problems – find a quiet room, don’t use outside resources as you test, and sit at a proper table or desk (don’t lounge in bed!). As you review problems, bring in your outside resources, from websites to problem-solving books, but remember to stay alert and focused. Don't let study time turn into naptime! #3: Focus on Your Weak Areas When studying, spend the most time focusing on your weak areas. As you work through practice problems, keep track of problems you didn’t know how to solve or concepts you’re shaky on. You can log your mistakes into a journal or notebook to help focus your studying. And don’t just log your mistakes and move on, figure out why you made those mistakes – what didn’t you know, what you assumed – and make a plan to get similar problems right in the future. #4: Beware of Tiny Mistakes Be very, very careful about small mistakes – like forgetting a negative sign, accidentally moving a decimal point, or making a basic arithmetic error. You could get the meat of a problem correct but still answer a problem wrong if you make a tiny mistake. Get in the habit of being hyper-vigilant and careful when you practice, so you don’t make these mistakes when you take the exam for real. Never assume you're too smart for a silly mistake! #5: Schedule Regular Study Time Finally, set aside dedicated time each week for studying. By practicing at least once a week, you will retain all of the skills you learn and continue to build on your knowledge. Build studying into your schedule like it’s another class or extracurricular. If you don’t, your studying could fall by the wayside and you’ll lose out on getting the amount of practice you need. #6: Attend Other Math Competitions If there is a math team or club at your school, join for the practice!Doing smaller competitions can help you learn to deal with nervesand will give you more opportunities to practice. It will also help you find a community of students with similar interests who you can study with. Also, the earlier you can start, the better. Some middle schools and even elementary schools have math clubs that expose you to tricky problem-solving questions in a way your standard math classes will not. What Should You Do the Night Before a Competition? After all your preparation, you don't want to trip at the finish line and ruin all your hard work right before the competition. Don’t do tons of studying the night before you take the AMC. By that point, you will have done all of the work you can. Focus on relaxing and getting in the right mindset for the exam. Also, make sure you get enough sleep the night before, and follow our other tips for the night before a test. Don’t waste all of your hard work studying by staying up late the night before! Finally, make sure you are set to go in the morning with transportation and directions to where you are taking the test. You don’t want to deal with a morning-of crisis! Plan to get to the exam center early in case you hit traffic or any other last-minute snags. What’s Next? Curious about the math scores it takes to get into top tech schools like MIT and CalTech? Read more about admission to engineering schools. Going for a perfect math SAT or ACT score? Get tips from our full-scorer on how to get to a perfect 800 on SAT math or a perfect 36 on ACT math. Wondering about paying for college? Check out automatic scholarships available for high ACT and SAT scores. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Policy implications Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Policy implications - Research Paper Example In addition, there is a need to have staff selection and recruitment process put in place. This goes hand in hand with training and quality control process. Focusing on viability of the proposed program, there will a challenge to expand and develop the existing body of research evidence, so the effective elements of the cognitive behavioral models can be specified, and then used to improve the program models further. Implementation of the programBefore implementation of the program at Birmingham Community Base Facility (female facility), interpreted time series design will be utilized. This will be used to strengthen before-and-after designs. Data will be collected at multiple instances over time before and after the intervention is introduced in order to detect whether the intrusion has an effect considerably greater than the existing programs. This design has an advantage in that it allows the statistical examination of possible biases in the approximation of the effect of the interventions. Some of the potential biases may include:Secular trend- the outcome may be in a way decreasing or decreasing with time. This can be in terms of having observations increasing before intervention and this can wrongfully attribute the experimental effect to the intrusion if a before-and-after study was to be performed. Duration of the intervention- it is possible that the intervention may have an effect for the first two or three months only after its introduction; data obtained yearly would not identify this effect. ... It is also apparent that the policy makers and the directors will also have to assess how suitable the proposed program is to their clients and program environment. Another apparent program challenge is on how to promote technology transfer in order to make the program most effective model. For example, the policy makers and program directors will have to establish the suitable technology to employ in order to support the program. This may come in terms of assessing necessary software to be used by the program staff. In addition, there is a need to have staff selection and recruitment process put in place. This goes hand in hand with training and quality control process. Focusing on viability of the proposed program, there will a challenge to expand and develop the existing body of research evidence, so the effective elements of the cognitive behavioral models can be specified, and then used to improve the program models further. Implementation of the program Before implementation of the program at Birmingham Community Base Facility (female facility), interpreted time series design will be utilized. This will be used to strengthen before-and-after designs. Data will be collected at multiple instances over time before and after the intervention is introduced in order to detect whether the intrusion has an effect considerably greater than the existing programs. This design has an advantage in that it allows the statistical examination of possible biases in the approximation of the effect of the interventions. Some of the potential biases may include: Secular trend- the outcome may be in a way decreasing or decreasing with time. This can be in terms of having observations increasing before
Friday, October 18, 2019
You Live, You May or Not Learn Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
You Live, You May or Not Learn - Research Paper Example In doing so, Austen emphasizes that people depend on social conventions to make it through life; revealing that neither youth nor old age makes for a wise person. Although human nature may tend towards making mistakes, Austen suggests that it is not how old you are that makes for folly, it is whether you think you are always right. Anne Elliot and Fredrick Wentworth make mistakes and learn from them and Sir Walter Elliot and his daughter Elizabeth Elliot say and do foolish things all the time and never learning anything. Introduction There are two types of individuals in this world, male or female. The first category says, ‘Whatever I say is correct.’ The other category says, ‘Whatever correct is there in the world, belongs to me.’ The differentiation apparently looks so simple, but in reality it is profound. The former categories of individuals are egoistic. The latter are willing to learn from own experience and from the experiences of others. Sir Walter E lliot and his daughter Elizabeth Elliot belong to the first category and Anne Elliot and Fredrick Wentworth belong to the latter category. What is theory alter all? It is other man’s experience. A man of experience may not have academic degrees to boast of. He studies in the college of self-education, where his mind is his principal; his initiative, the professors; his hard work, the tutors. Such individuals have a measured approach to different situations in life. In â€Å"Persuasion†Jane Austen deals with complex class and gender relations related to the nineteenth century English middle-class society. An author, howsoever intelligently one may try, will not be able to sweep under the carpet one’s own life-experiences while penning the characters in the literary works. Jane Austen is no exception to this rule. As her career progresses (per se, she also attains maturity in her thinking with the advancing age) I am able to see a romantic shift in the feminist a nd individualistic ideology and she begins to show varying cognitive qualities in her heroines and other characters. She depends on her experience to portray her character’s and her heroines bring alive the prevailing aspects of feminism of the 19th century England. Actions are based upon emotions and the genesis of emotion is in the experiences gained in real life situations. One discovers one’s happiness and pursuit of goals by instinct and through the play of emotions. This perspective of life may be easy for the women of the 21st century. But Jane Austen’s heroines belong to the 19th century male-dominated society, wherein women have little or no voice to feel free, think free and to act free. To understand the correct meaning of ‘You Live, You May or Not Learn,’ it is necessary to study the outline of the plot created by Jane Austen in â€Å"Persuasion.†The implied meaning of persuasion is applying pressure to convince about something t o someone. Here is the head of the family Sir Walter Elliot, who is not willing to listen to anyone on any issue and takes decisions that affect his three daughters according to his whims and fancies. Lady Elliot has died fourteen years ago, leaving behind the asset of three daughters. Elizabeth and Anne are single, but the younger one is married to a wealthy individual. Sir Walter’s lavish lifestyles, and living beyond the means to maintain the level of prestige, which he thinks he commands in the society, brings the family to a sad pass. When he is asked to prune his budget by a well-wisher of the family, Lady Russell, Sir Walters resents her counsel. According to him, he lives the ideal standard of life, befitting the essential dignity of the family, but the reality
Effect of Titles and Subtitles of HIPAA on the IT Organization Essay
Effect of Titles and Subtitles of HIPAA on the IT Organization - Essay Example The process of utilization of health of patient is described by HIPPA in detailed. It is important for the medical institutions to make certain that the privacy of the person much be kept confidential. This form of step mostly complete by modifying how much PHI (protected health information is utilized. Basically Protected Health information is referred as the demographics, diagnoses and different treatments of the patient. On the other hand, the complete form of details and information can only be communicate with the staff directly in the patient care, relevant entities and other insurance organizations (Wiener & Gilliland, 2011). On 14th April 2003, the HIPPA law came into force. The aim of this law is to save the privacy of the information related to the health of the patient by forming the minimum federal standards of how the health care providers may disclose this form of details (Thompson et al., 2011). Whereas the privacy of patient is sheltered from other form of parties, numerous health related professionals have criticized that barriers to access to information imposed by HIPAA potential risk can put the superiority and appropriateness and suitability of patient care. There are many intrinsic negative effects as HIPAA and other builds due to their susceptibility to misunderstanding (Thompson et al., 2011). The right to obtain record of copies of medical records is given to the patients by HIPAA so patient can recognize faults and appeal different form of corrections. On the other hand, the medical information of patients is also protected by HIPAA, and make certain that the medical information of one patient is not utilized by any other patient, other parties like marketing companies, other insurance companies and for the purpose of financial purposes. Moreover, refined from of technologies are also taken part in the HIPAA implementation and also
Rhetorical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Rhetorical analysis - Essay Example He established his logos or logic to be more credible with the help of ethos or credibility by inferring to his lineage that he is the grandson of former President John F. Kennedy. His used of concrete figures also helped in making his arguments in the essay to be more logical and thus, more credible. Scholossberg use emotional appeal or pathos is not through the use of dramatics that would move the audience to cry but rather on appealing to their patriotic sense and love for America. The primary purpose of the essay wasa to voice America’s youth of concern that they too would like to get involve that they care for their country because what is stake in the election is their future in the first place. They are not as apathetic or self-absorbed as they were projected. It is just they reject the petty posturing of politicians, their partisan gridlocks and political inaction to get things done. Give them real leaders and they will respond – through involvement and willingness to work. While the youth may seem unaware and apolitical, Jack Scholossberg clarified that his generation knows what is going on. They know that his generation is burdened with a misguided war that damaged [America’s] credibility abroad. This resulted to America’s numerous implacable enemies that resorted to terrorism out of their hatred for America. Those misguided wars also costed America billions of dollars that they it has to borrow to the point that its national debt has grown so large that they do not know if they can still pay it back. According to Scholossberg, the youth may be silent (evident with their previous non-particpation) but they are very observant. Thus, in writing an essay to the Yale Daily News and The Yale Herald as his contribution, he would like to relay to his fellow students and youth (the paper being an
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Relationship Between Project Life Cycle and Product System Life Cycle Essay
Relationship Between Project Life Cycle and Product System Life Cycle - Essay Example Due to the uniqueness of each industry, the demarcation of the phases may vary accordingly and sometime the divisions between the phases may often overlap. A product maybe defined as an entity offered in the form of goods or services. A product life cycle evolves through different phases similar to a project. The spiral model best describes the product life cycle, which is the most generic model of all. Special product life cycles are considered to be derivatives of this basic model. The key feature of the spiral model is in its risk management. It focuses on low risk strategies, early detection of errors and design flaws and the closely aligns itself with the evolution and growth cycle of the product. A product life cycle is often triggered by a need or opportunity, which leads to the conception, manufacturing, production and deployment of a tangible or intangible asset. This is then supported or maintained, upgraded as required and retired when obsolete. Although on the surface, a project life cycle and a product life cycle seem similar, in reality each phase of the product life cycle is a project by itself. Each phase of the product derives its input from the end result of the executed project.
Utilisation of Electrical Energy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Utilisation of Electrical Energy - Assignment Example The average consumption of electric energy around the world is approximately 19 % of the total electric energy produced. This calls for the specialized improvement in the lighting efficiency to save energy which translates to conservation of the environment. Different environment requires different lighting luminaries. The choice of a specific lighting luminary in a given environment depends on several factors. Some of the factors that influence the choice of lighting luminaires in given environments include the availability of natural light, the intensity of light required, the availability of energy sources – in this case electricity – among others. This paper discusses the common discharge luminary in different environments. The chosen environments include office building, an indoor – 5 –a – side – pitch, and Cul-de-sac street lighting Office Building For efficiency lighting in an office building, there must be sufficient source of light. This implies that the lighting luminaries used must have a high light intensity. Since the light is always switched on, the luminary must have the capacity to save energy. Considering this factors among others, the best luminary suited for an office building is Fluorescent Lamp. This is the best choice due to the following advantages: Fluorescent lights are cheap Fluorescent lamps generally have a very good luminous efficacy Fluorescent lamps have a very long lamp life (Ranges from 10 000 hours to 16000 hours). This implies less maintenance costs They come in large varieties of CCT and CRI Fluorescent Lamp Construction, Operation and Associated Circuitry The associated circuitry of fluorescent lamp is shown in figure 1 below. Figure 1. The associated circuitry of a fluorescent lamp. Construction and Operation In a fluorescent lamp, light is predominantly produced by fluorescent powders which are activated by ultra – violet radiation originating from mercury. This type of ligh t source is characterized by low – pressure gas discharge light source. Physically, the lamp is composed of a long tubular pipe that contains an electrode on both sides. This tubular pipe is filled with low pressure mercury vapour which is enhanced with an inert gas, in this case, argon, for starting. The emission of the light occurs in the ultraviolet region. The wavelength of the energy emitted falls in the range of 254 – 185 nanometres. The ultraviolet radiation produced is, then, converted into light by the phosphor layer which is coated on the inside of the tube. Most of the initial photon energy, 65 %, is lost by the dissipation since one ultraviolet photon produces only one visible photon. Moreover, the final spectral of the light that is distributed can be varied. This is by different combinations of phosphors. The CCT (Correlated Colour Temperature) of fluorescent light varies from 2700 Kelvin to 6500 kelvin. On the other hand, the colour rendering indices var ies from 50 to 95. Different fluorescent lamps have different luminous efficacy depending on their construction. The latest fluorescent lamp has a luminous efficacy of 100 lm/W. This excludes the ballast losses. The operation of a fluorescent lamp is shown in figure 2 below. Figure 2. The operation of a fluorescent lamp. Fluorescent lamps have an ever increasing current. This is harmful since it can destroy the lamp (National Industrial Pollution Control Council. Electric and Nuclear Sub-Council, United States. Dept. of Commerce, 1972). Thus, to correct this, it is designed in such a way that it limits the lamp current. This is seen in instances where it displays the negative voltage to counteract the ever increasing c
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Relationship Between Project Life Cycle and Product System Life Cycle Essay
Relationship Between Project Life Cycle and Product System Life Cycle - Essay Example Due to the uniqueness of each industry, the demarcation of the phases may vary accordingly and sometime the divisions between the phases may often overlap. A product maybe defined as an entity offered in the form of goods or services. A product life cycle evolves through different phases similar to a project. The spiral model best describes the product life cycle, which is the most generic model of all. Special product life cycles are considered to be derivatives of this basic model. The key feature of the spiral model is in its risk management. It focuses on low risk strategies, early detection of errors and design flaws and the closely aligns itself with the evolution and growth cycle of the product. A product life cycle is often triggered by a need or opportunity, which leads to the conception, manufacturing, production and deployment of a tangible or intangible asset. This is then supported or maintained, upgraded as required and retired when obsolete. Although on the surface, a project life cycle and a product life cycle seem similar, in reality each phase of the product life cycle is a project by itself. Each phase of the product derives its input from the end result of the executed project.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Write-Up on the Negotiation of Teachers’ Association with Board of Education Essay Example for Free
Write-Up on the Negotiation of Teachers’ Association with Board of Education Essay Negotiation is a process of entering into dialogues which are intended (i) to resolve disputes, (ii) to produce an agreement upon courses of action, (iii) to bargain for individual or collective advantage, or (iv) to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests. The essence of negotiation in this case therefore is to bargain for individual or collective advantage. We, the Teachers’ Association appeared before the Board of Education for a negotiation on workload and benefits and this write-up presents the salient points discussed and finalized during the negotiation process. 1. Workload Workload section is usually a less important area that our association would care to negotiate. Therefore we agreed for the proposal of 51 layoffs at Day 1 on the hope of getting a better deal in other terms of negotiation. It was our thinking that normally teachers will be required to work extra hours so that they can take better care of students as it was expected of us. Therefore, it is thought reasonable to accept their proposal of increasing 55 minutes of working per day. Similarly we accepted their offer of reduction in â€Å"prep†time so that teachers will be able to adjust their own time efficiently. Thus we can say that the negotiation process for issues relating to workload went on very well without any hard arguments or hesitation on either side. Although we were made to give up on some points, the Board of Education was ready to accept our offers on duty-free time and emergency assignments by Board. Our strategy in this section was to align our interests with those of the Board so that we both could figure out the best ways to achieve best results. We understood their true interest in changing the teacher/student ratio from 32:1 to 37:1 so that they could solve their primary problem. During the negotiation in this area, both the Teachers’ Association and the Board of Education were very much willing to work together. It was not the case that the other party in the process of integrating the strategies expected big and very important concessions from our side. 2. Benefits As compared to the workload section, the negotiation process for the benefits section was tougher. In fact it was necessary to have two short breaks during the negotiation to clear the air as there were heated arguments and discussions. The Teachers’ Association was looking for good results out of this negotiation to make teachers feel better and to bring more actual calculated cost benefits to the teachers for their hard work. We also knew that the concession from our side will pay off the deficits from the side of the Board of Education. The Board even though tried to solve their main problem, was not willing to accept our proposals without arguments. They presented their arguments and points very strongly. Therefore we had to adopt an assertive strategy to strongly present our proposals. We stood our ground and presented our standpoints more strongly and at no point of time we were willing to accept their offer. Although, it took more than 30 minutes for reaching an agreement, finally they accepted all of our proposals except the offer on childbirth leave. To reach an agreement on the childbirth leave, the Board of education had to reveal their bottom line with cost calculation. On the basis of the exact data of the costs required to fulfill the childbirth leave benefit, both the sides could find an agreeable point. In the whole negotiation process the Teachers’ Association showed the Board the precise interests of our side with an assertive strategy and the Board of Education extended their cooperation with their honesty.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Education Games In Primary Schools Education Essay
The Education Games In Primary Schools Education Essay While educational games might be very important to the learning process, one of the biggest downfalls of this genre is that the learning objective is quite evident to the learner and often doesnt have much meaning for the learner. In more interactive educational games, the learning objective is submerged in a rich world that creates learning opportunities [Ahuja, Mitra, Kumar Singh, 1994]. Despite the mixed success of educational games designed specifically for learning, the impact of digital gaming has drawn many educators and researchers to question how they might be used to facilitate student learning. Over the past decade, the use of educational gaming has prompted considerable attention in exploring how and why games might be powerful tools in the classroom. As a result of this interest, there are potential benefits of this for education and learning in schools. Some important reasons why educational games should be fully implemented in primary schools are enhancing learning sk ills, engaging and motivating the children and preparing them for living and working in the 21st century. The first reason why educational games should be implemented in primary schools is to enhance learning while developing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills. In playing educational games, it is evident that skills and competences are developed. Using teacher evaluations of mostly simulation and quest-based educational games found numerous skills to be developed through their use [McFarlane, Sparrowhawk Heald, 2002]. Some of the skills developed playing educational games are, strategic thinking, planning, communication, decision-making, personal skills, spatial skills and social skills. Some educational games cultivate these skills by just engaging in them. If educational games have such a great impact on the development of a child, it should be incorporated in the curriculum of our primary schools. It will create a learning-based environment in which the children can fully utilize their learning capabilities. While the curriculum set by the Ministry of Education is academic, educational games will develop the basic motor skills in children of that level. The challenge is to identify how a certain educational games would connect to the curriculum. Educational games are tools to engage children in learning. The game is the hook or the stimulus, both for the learner and, in many cases particularly at primary level, for developing a rich and wide learning context. In classes, educational games provide a particular focus in one subject, for example, Mathematics or English Language but it is still valued as a stimulus for learning. An example of an educational game is Simcity which can be used to teach aquatic habitat in the subject area of Science. Educational games offer a rich mix of audio, video, text and the manipulation of the mouse to enhance learning. There is no comparison with an inert textbook. Educational games facilitate the multiple intelligences of children such as verbal, mathem atical and spatial. The second reason why educational games should be implemented in primary schools is to engage and motivate children via a student-centered approach to learning. Children can enter environments in games that would be impossible to access in any other way, for example going back in history, understanding the complexity of running a major city, managing entire civilizations or nurturing families. Games require engagement with complex decisions by allowing the player to explore the effects of different choices and a multiplicity of variables. Ongoing and responsive feedback on choices is usually given which encourages the users to discover new limits to their abilities. Games stimulate conversation and discussion since players are able to share ideas, hints and tips in what increasingly tends to be a very lively and supportive learning community [ELSPA, 2006]. Educational games allow children to interact and the nature of the games provides three main factors for motivation: fantasy, challenge and curiosity [Malone, 1981]. Fantasy relates to the use of imagination and the childs inherent inclination towards play. It provides a way for the children to feel freedom to fail, experiment, interpret and identify. Challenge is created by the task or puzzle in an educational game and when appropriately aligned with the childs ability level, the challenge falls within their zone of proximal development. Curiosity here is the sense of testing the educational game or exploring to determine what happens if the child does a certain task. Educational game creates a way for children to be motivated at the cognitive level and in using the new technologies; these games will have a greater impact on childrens everyday lives. One excellent example of motivating children via a student-centered approach is the world education games originating from Australia. Students play Literacy, Mathematics and Science against fellow students in a live, global forum. The teachers role is a facilitator of learning. Feedback is provided for participants while they develop their ICT skills. Finally, the third and most important reason why educational games should be implemented in primary schools is to prepare the children for living and working in the 21st century. Technology has certainly taken over many aspects of life. Children of today are using computers more often as well as handheld consoles. Teachers and school leaders want their children to be prepared for the world of work and to see them inspired towards a relevant future career. Educational gaming can help equip children with the skills required to adapt to the outside world. While the Ministry of Education is slowly implementing the game-based learning in schools, teachers are using the computers in their schools to facilitate educational games and provide game-based projects to the students. Educational games will provide the learning outcomes beneficial to excelling in the higher levels of education. With technology advancing at a rapid rate, individuals will be required to have skills in computing and o ther electronic devices in the future. If educational games are implemented in primary schools, it will certainly prepare the children for the future and it will provide a new perspective of learning in schools. In conclusion, it is clear that educational games present an opportunity to engage students in activities, which can enhance their learning. Like any successful outlay, outcomes need to be well planned and classrooms carefully organized to enable all children to engage in learning. Educational games seem like a viable way for the future learner to bring their existing interests, skills and knowledge into the classroom and then use the games as a hook or stimulus to build the activities for learning around them. Educational games provide a forum for learning in a happy way while developing cognitive and psychomotor skills. It prepares the child for their future life and so it is imperative that educational games should be implemented in primary schools in Trinidad and Tobago.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
American Invasion of Iraq Essay -- Morality, Reasons, Exaggeration
The American invasion of Iraq was morally and humanely wrong. During the invasion of Iraq in 2003, American government went far beyond humanity when they gave spurious and idealistic reasons for invading Iraq. Over 1 million Iraqi citizens were killed and the country lived under terror for over 5 years due to the American actions. In 1991 George Bush Sr., attempted to invade Iraq, however, this mission ended before any major action was taken. George Bush Sr.’s advisers, one of them being Dick Cheny choose not to invade Iraq because of the fear that such an invasion could turn into a â€Å"quagmire†. In spite of that, when George W. Bush, the son of George Bush Sr., began his journey to possibly complete what his father wanted to accomplish 10 years ago, the invasion of Iraq. Bush benevolently argued that â€Å"democracy in the Middle East must occur,†and the best way he choose was by attacking Iraq. According to, â€Å"Before the war, Bush was repeatedly told there was no definitive evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. He knew Iraq was not a nuclear threat. He knew there was no Iraq connection to 9/11. Iraq posed no imminent danger to the United States. There was no case for a pre-emptive war.†â€Å"George W. Bush knew there was no solid prove that Iraq was planting weapons of mass destruction. There were no nuclear weapons in Iraq, not enough technology was developed in Iraq to target long range enemies; America was definitely not being aimed at. Nothing was being planned from the Iraqi side.†( About the WMD excuse, George W. Bush lied that the Iraqi were a threat to its neighboring countries [Kuwait and Iran] and to the world peace due to the believe that weapon of mass destruct... ...ading Iraq have been told to the outside world yet. If powerful countries with solid military force like the United States is able to take-over a country for personal benefits then where will the world end up one day? George W. Bush was definitely in hype or hysteria when he made the decision for invading Iraq, this hype led United States into the war. History should always be used for granted; history is just like a lesson that is thought at any school, if you pay attention to it and learn from it, astray will not be your path. Works Cited /news/worldnews/1560915/Dick-Cheney-Iraq-quagmire-video-hits-the-web.html
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