Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Transformation of Roger Chillingworth essays
The Transformation of Roger Chillingworth essays In the Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, a young woman is caught up in sin between two men and bound to wear a letter "A" on her chest. All three of the main characters are sinners. Hester Prynne commits adultry on her husband, Roger Chillingworth, with a minister of the name Arthur Dimmsdale. Roger Chillingworth undergoes a change that transforms him from a respectable gentleman, to a suspicious, determined man, and finally to a man compared to the devil. In the beginning of the novel, Chillingworth is seen as a highly respectable medicine man. At first, the reader almost wants to sympathize with the old man because of his physical appearance and because of the fact that his wife has a baby with another man. But then, one realizes that Chillingworths first sin was marrying Hester because he knew she never really loved him. He admits this to her while they aer speaking in the jail cell. "Mine was the first wrong, when I betrayed they budding youth into a false and unnatural relation with my decay." Chillingworth wants to know who the father of Hesters baby, Pearl, is, but she will not tell. Jealousy and anger begin to eat away at Chillingworth. He is no longer the scholar he used to be, who dedicate his best years "to feed the hungry dream of knowledge." Slowly, Roger Chillingworths character begins to undergo a change. In the middle of the novel, Chillingworth morphs from respectable to a suspicious and vengful man. At first, the Puritans receive Chillingworth well, thinking that he will help Dimmsdale. "...that Heaven had wrought an absolute miracle, by transporting an eminent Doctor of Physic, from a German university, bodily through the air, and setting him down at the door of Mr. Dimmesdale's study!" So, Chillingwoth begins practicing medicine on Dimmsdale and slowly suspects his as Pearls father. Chillingworth repeatedly tries to unravel Dimmesdales secret and get him t...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Differences Between an Initialism and an Acronym
Differences Between an Initialism and an Acronym An initialism is an abbreviation that consists of the first letter or letters of words in a phrase, such as EU (for European Union) and NFL (for National Football League). Also called an alphabetism. Initialisms are usually shown in capital letters, without spaces or periods between them. Unlike acronyms, initialisms are not spoken as words; they are spoken letter by letter. Examples and Observations ABC (American Broadcasting Company, Australian Broadcasting Corporation), ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), CNN (Cable News Network), DVD (Digital Versatile Disc), HTML (HyperText Markup Language), IBM (International Business Machines Corporation), NBC (National Broadcasting Company)Some names that began as initialisms have evolved into brands independent of their original meanings. For example, CBS, the American radio and television network, was created in 1928 as the Columbia Broadcasting System. In 1974, the name of the company was legally changed to CBS, Inc., and in the late 1990s, it became CBS Corporation.Similarly, the letters in the names SAT and ACT no longer represent anything. Originally known as the Scholastic Achievement Test, the SAT became an Aptitude Test in 1941 and an Assessment Test in 1990. Finally, in 1994, the name was officially changed to SAT (or, in full, SAT Reasoning Test) , with the letters signifying nothing. Two years later, American College Testing followed suit and changed the name of its test to ACT. Initialisms and Acronyms  My favorite current acronym is the DUMP, a term universally used in Durham, New Hampshire to refer to a local supermarket with the unwittingly unfortunate name the Durham Market Place. Initialisms are similar to acronyms in that they are composed of the first letters of a phrase, but unlike acronyms, they are pronounced as a series of letters. So most people in the US refer to the Federal Bureau of Investigation as the FBI...Other initialisms are PTA for Parent Teacher Association, PR for either public relations or personal record, and NCAA for National College Athletic Association.(Rochelle Lieber, Introducing Morphology. Cambridge University Press, 2010) [S]ometimes a letter in an initialism is formed not, as the term might imply, from an initial letter but rather from an initial sound (as the X in XML, for extensible markup language), or from the application of a number (W3C, for World Wide Web Consortium). Furthermore, an acronym and an initialism are occasionally combined (JPEG), and the line between initialism and acronym is not always clear (FAQ, which can be pronounced either as a word or as a series of letters).(The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. The University of Chicago Press, 2010) CD-ROM CD-ROM is an interesting mix because it brings together an initialism (CD) and an acronym (ROM). The first part is sounded letter by letter, the second part is a whole word.(David Crystal, The Story of English in 100 Words. St. Martins Press, 2012) Usage The first time an acronym or initialism appears in a written work, write the complete term, followed by an abbreviated form in parentheses. Thereafter, you may use the acronym or initialism alone.(G. J. Alred, C. T. Brusaw, and W. E. Oliu, Handbook of Technical Writing, 6th ed. Bedford/St. Martins, 2000 AWOL In AWOLAll Wrong Old Laddiebuck, an animated film by Charles Bowers, a woman presents her calling card to a soldier and it reads Miss Awol. She then lures him away from camp without permission. The film is silent, of course, given the 1919 date, but the calling card indicates that AWOL is pronounced as a word, making it a true acronym and not just an initialism.(David Wilton and Ivan Brunetti, Word Myths. Oxford University Press, 2004) Pronunciation: i-NISH-i-liz-em EtymologyFrom the Latin, beginning
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Fundamentals of Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Fundamentals of Managing People - Essay Example Wages, Training, safety, diversity, work-life balance as well as health and wellness are some of the core employee priorities. When these are fulfilled, quality output is guaranteed. Additionally, when this delicate balance is attained, employees are able to foster team spirit among themselves as well as loyalty to their employees. Employers on the other hand will experience lower employee turnover rates which eventually lead to reduced profits (Hall, 2003:46). Work life balance is an essential part of the puzzle because every employee has a family and friends outside the employment scope. Many an employee has left their jobs because it does not adequately cater for this particular need. Changed Employee Priorities A decade or so ago, the highest priority for most employees was developing their careers. Today, the tips of the scale have changed. Most employees are more interested in having both a family and a good career and most would leave a job owing to reasons related to work lif e balance (Palundi, 2012:77). It is essential for one to pursue achievement and joy in not only the job but also in one’s personal sphere. Enjoyment in this case means pride, celebration, happiness, a general sense of well being and satisfaction in the job that they do. This has in turn led various companies in the globe to offer competitive packages that offer flexible practices concerning work-life practices. Paid work and family care are the most essential elements of work family balance. However, work-life also includes education, volunteering and recreation. Work-life allows employees to share their time with both the job and their family and still produce quality results. Employers need to understand that work-life balance is important to the employee. However, the employee also has a role to play in ensuring that his needs are met so that his productivity is optimal. It is the employee’s chief responsibility to ensure that he congratulates himself on work well d one and keeps motivating himself (Hall, 2003:79). In addition, it is up to him to give himself a break when he deserves one. He also needs to set boundaries between his professional and personal lives. The management and the employees have to agree on a program that will enhance a positive balance of the two. In a recent study, it was estimated that in every five employees, two are not satisfied with the balance between their private lives and the professional ones. Long working hours, long commutes, increased pressure at work, changing demographics and the deterioration of boundaries between work and life are some of the contributing factors to the dissatisfaction. Employers who ignore this vital element in their employees’ lives will experience high turnover rates, unhappy employees as well as low morale. All employees need to realize that their employees are more interested in assistance programs to better their loves holistically more that monetary compensation (Marchingt on and Wilkinson, 2005:135) It goes without saying there it is not possibly to achieve a perfect balance between work and life. Once cannot be able to schedule equal number of hours to all the many aspects of work and life (Beauregard, 2009:83). Trying to do this will frustrate the employee since it will end up being both unrealistic as well as unrewarding. Additionally, it is worth noting that the balance will keep varying as time progresses, even as little as on an everyday basis. For example, the balance that used
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Dimensions and Diversity in Primary Science Essay
Dimensions and Diversity in Primary Science - Essay Example The N.C offers varieties of subjects to choose Art and design, Citizenship, Design and technology, English, Geography, History, ICT, Mathematics, Modern foreign languages, Music education & Science. The aim of the N.C is to focus more on the qualities of the skill they need to posses in order to be more successful in school and higher learning. The curriculum offered should enable all young people to establish themselves as follows: The N.C gives a lot of importance to the development of Personality in school this is because so that young people are assisted in their morals, cultural, academic development which will be more focused on their needs no matter which social class they belong to. They learn to achieve higher standard of living and learn to enjoy the whole learning experience even making them much more responsible individuals. Personal learning and Enhancing thinking techniques are given more importance as it will help them to be a better civilian, manager, parent or even a life partner. In order to plan an effective curriculum for the children, it should be more focused on the personal development. Not forgetting that each employee of the school can effectively contribute toward the child's development. Educating children will allow them to have a brighter future plan so in order for this to happen they need to develop important skills that will make their quality of life and employment opportunity m uch better. This would include those skills that transmit to learning or other skills which are more generic or which are convenient. This will help them to be more creative, reflective learner, solution finders and work in teams and in order to be successful they will also learn to transmit their ideas , that is communicate more efficiently. The N.C is basically focused on (PLTS) that is development of personal, learning and thinking skills. And along with this polishing of basic skills like English, Mathematics and information technology is given utmost importance. (13 May 2008.). key stage 3& 4. Retrieved January 1, 2009, from Skills Website,http://curriculum.qca.org.uk/key-stages-3-and-4/curriculum-in-action/casestudieslibrary/case-studies/Inclusion_and_success_for_all.aspx ) Since Science is now an important subject much light is given on it by the National Curriculum. It focuses on energy, electricity and forces and their effects on shape and motion and the variety of electric current in circuits it also focuses on Material behavior of atom and its physical properties, elements and compounds. The national curriculum for science also focuses on the life process, biology, fertilization, growth development and also the harmful effects of drugs on humans and also how ones behavior maybe influenced by external and internal factors. Finally, it help learn about the whole universe, that would be all the planets and how human activity brings about other changes in the environment. The new-fangled curriculum which is now been formulated
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The School of Athens by Raphael Essay Example for Free
The School of Athens by Raphael Essay The School of Athens by Raphael is a complex painting with a fascinating composition. The subjects, building, composition and his use of color make it a compelling piece. This painting is extremely decorative and complex. With various tools, Raphael was able to emphasize different aspects and pull the viewer into the work. Because of the colors used in the painting, and the setting, this painting seems to be of religious or educated figures. This painting has many subjects, most of which appear to be male. Knowing that most renaissance paintings have both genders, one would conclude that there are a few females. All of the subjects are wearing colorful, flowing robes. The fact that they have colorful clothing on symbolizes a high rank. This rank is either of the church or of land. The highly crafted building the subjects are in leads the viewer to think that the rank is from the church or education. In the middle, the subjects are surrounding two men. Everyone seems to be listening to the men. The men in the bottom left are reading or writing, what could be the primary mens words. The ones in the bottom right are surrounding a board on the floor and could be discussing the words of the men. With all of the conversing going on, and the layout of the people, one would assume that this is a lecture setting. This story is going on in a large, ornate, arched-ceiling building. This building is painted from top to bottom. The main arch in the front has a very geometric pattern on it but the column connecting it to the ground is flowery. There is gold on the ceiling, on the decorative pieces between each painting. The top-left corner has a large rock painted on a background of gold. There is a person standing behind it but the edge of the painting cuts it off at the waist. Under the large rock painting, there is a smaller gold tree on a blue background. These two colors are the epitome or wealth because they are the most costly to buy. In the top right corner, again cut off by the border of the painting, there is a group or what appear to be women. They are focused around some type of animal in the middle. Below this is the same tree as the opposite side. The filling between the two large paintings and the smaller trees is all triangular. It has an ornate pattern in blue and gold, just like the trees. In the bottom left-hand corner, there is a framed square, which looks like it is a mirror. The way there is wood in it but no other bare wood anywhere in the picture makes it seem to be a reflection. Behind the large arch in the front, there is a hallway type of structure. It has a statue on each side with smaller carved scenes under them. The hallway, which opens up to a ceiling-less patio has statues, similar to the ones on the wall. The archways have geometric carved patterns covering the ceilings. Unlike the foreground arch, the background ones are white stone; there is no paint or gold on them. As the arches become smaller and the sky becomes larger, the pure blue sky with fluffy white clouds begins to show. This painting is very realistic, because of the detail of ornamental pieces and because of the accuracy of the structure. The perspective is precise; larger things are in the foreground and smaller things are in the background. Unlike earlier paintings, the building looks like you could walk through it. The scale of the subjects is also very accurate. Some earlier works had the most important characters larger and in the middle. The values, which differ in the arches, show depth. The arches are darker on the underside and on the right walls, to show a direction of light from the right. The people on the sides are not exact copies but the fact that they are on both sides makes the painting approximately symmetrical. The evenness of the arches also emphasizes the symmetrical characteristic. The composition of the image is made interesting by the complexity of the people. The empty building without the individuals in it would be an architectural study. The colors in this painting pull the viewer in. The use of gold in modesty, compared to many other paintings, makes the whole painting brighten. The colors on the robes are impressive. The subjects closer to the two in the middle have more primary and secondary colored gowns while the perimeter has primarily tertiary colored clothing. This may have to do with class or emphasis. As concluded earlier, the middle subjects are significant so to make them stand out, the robes are more vibrant. The archway in the front is much more decorative and frames the subjects underneath. With the arches in the back being less showy, the foreground with the people stands out more. In conclusion, this painting has many facets and details, which could go unnoticed. Raphael stressed certain parts by using color and framing. The context leads one to believe that the subjects are knowledgeable. With the color, composition and subjects combined, this painting is a significant piece. The School of Athens is an elaborate painting with a multifaceted story.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
english :: essays research papers
Guidone 1 Throughout time Shakespeare has influenced society in many ways. He has been a great inspiration to literature, plays, painters, movies and language. Many of his plays and poems have been required as a part of liberal education. His idea’s on such subjects as heroism, romantic love, and the nature of tragedy have shaped the attitudes of millions of people and influenced their thinking.      Shakespeare contributed greatly to the English speaking language. Many phrases and words from Shakespeare’s poems and plays have become apart of our everyday speech. Millions of people that use his words or phrases are unaware they are created by him. Some common words he has invented are assassination, bump, eventful, and disgraceful conduct. Shakespeare introduced almost 3,000 words into the Oxford English Dictionary. There are over 1700 common words of Shakespeare origin in our everyday vocabulary. The most rapid growth of vocabulary in the recorded history of language was the period of Shakespeare. Due to his inventiveness and creative word play he has had the greatest impact on our daily vocabulary. Many people quote Shakespeare almost everyday without knowing it. If a person doesn’t understand my argument and the one party state’s â€Å"It’s Greek to me†, or if someone has ever â€Å"Refused to budge an inch†, they a re quoting excerpts of Shakespeare. Many people re-sight lines from Shakespeare’s plays without even reading them. One of the most famous lines is â€Å"To be or not to be.†He experimented with all sorts of words and phrases to create vivid pictures in the mind. Shakespeare helped shape many English speaking countries. He often invented and changed words around. Some of Shakespeare’s words may be confusing or unfamiliar to Guidone 2 many of the modern readers. However, many of the words he had employed are no longer being used.      Since Shakespeare’s death he has influenced every generation of writers, painters and still has some impact on contemporary plays. Many rhetoric devices were used in his work, that writers are often using now. Some familiar ones are alliteration, which is the same sound being repeated in a line or group of lines and repetition, which is when something repeats itself. He often used a lot of imagery, which many writers found useful. With imagery writers were able to create excitement. Shakespeare’s Macbeth was one of the famous and brilliant examples of imagery. There are many paintings from Macbeth that have been done by some of the best artist.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Company Profile Bigmak Essay
For every story of triumph and success there’s always a powerful belief: â€Å"To accomplish great things, one must not only dream,, but also act, not only plan but also believe†– There once a couple who have dreamt big and believed anything is possible, with one grinder and pieces of margarine cap used as pattern for making patties and with hard work and faith in God- the key ingredients of which lead us to this success story. In 1980, Mr. Francis Bulado Dy, a native from Mauban, Quezon after being married to Ms. Edna Beltran Aycardo had started their married life in the island of Burdeos, Quezon, the hometown of Ms. Edna Aycardo. Having a clichà © in business that runs through their blood, the couple had continue the established business of Ms. Edna Aycardo when she is still single the ENJ Merchandising. The business is basically into retailing and wholesaling business of food commodities, household needs, hardware which includes a small pharmacy, as Mrs. Edna Dy being a licensed pharmacist. In 1982, as an added business in the island and Mr. Francis Dy’s background to this field of the business, Pacific Copra Trading was formed. The copra dealership business has currently three (3) branches on Polilio, Mauban and Burdeos, Quezon. In 1984, having gifted with business acumen certainly had not stopped them from venturing into other business. When they transferred residence to Lucena City, Quezon for the education of their eldest son, Mark Francis Dy, they wanted to start another business venture in line with food. As currently a fad or food craze at that time, business relating to burgers and hotdogs sandwiches is what they wanted to go into business next. Mr. Francis Dy likes to formulate his own products that would look more competitive and desirable to meticulous sandwich aficionados and will excel in taste. Firstly, he must create a good business name. The supposed company name must have a name recall that people can easily remember. He wanted the corporate name to be common and certainly related to the nature of business. As creative as he is, he was able to create an appropriate and eyecatching company name. The LC. BIG MAK BURGER was born. The name was derived from Mr. Francis DY’s parents name, Maxima And Kimsuy, and added the word BIG which connotes big buns and patties. To distinguish the origin or home of the business, which is in Lucena City, the word, L.C. was added. BURGER signifies the products being sold. On November 8, 1984, they established the very first van outlet located at Quezon Avenue corner Rizal Street in Lucena City. The second van outlet was launched on February 17, 1985, which was positioned at Quezon Avenue corner MS Enverga Street, 400 meters away from the first van. LC Big Mak Burger then chained to Gumaca, Batangas and as far as Bicol region. There is a need to have some changes and improvement on the production and the company started to hire food consultants and technologists to make sure that the taste suits the customers. It was successful, as sales have doubled. On March 18, 1988, after more or less four (4) years of hardship and sacrifices came the inauguration and blessing of a newly constructed Big Mak U-shaped building. This building became the new office and production area. At this time, the LC Big Mak Burger, Inc. had thirty (30) outlets that served the public from Lucena City to San Pablo and other various towns of Quezon, Batangas, Laguna and and eventually had gone up to more than 100 outlets in Calabarzon areas. Starting the year 1988 and for the succeeding next five (5) years, LC Big Mak Burger, Inc. ventured into more branches in Metro Manila and nearby towns of Cavite, Rizal and Bulacan. Neopolitan areas covered more than 50 outlets. Going to the North up to Tarlac, La Union and Ilocos. Expansion has widespread that it covered sideways of the eastern part of Luzon to Isabela and Cagayan. Total outlets established were more than 200 outlets. Within these five (5) years of operation, LC Big Mak Burger, Inc. has covered the entire Luzon. These expansion programs were brought rapidly by the profitable venture and increased sales. The company acquired properties in Tarlac, Isabela and in Quezon City, which housed the branch offices, bakeries and depots. Several food centers were also opened on these periods. During the same period, due to the continuing expansion coverage of area of operation, the demands for additional delivery and transport service was needed. The management created a trucking and motor pool service to support its operation, thus the MDL Trucking Services (which was named after their 3 children, Mark, Dave & Lei) was created. In 1995, Due to the continued volume sales and demand, the company required to put up a much bigger manufacturing plant that could produce higher volume quantity. The construction of the manufacturing plant started and the plant was named Southern Processing Corporation (SPC). It was inaugurated on February 18. 1996. The management acquired modern equipments, tools and other machineries which will make the production much faster and efficient so as to sustain our inflating product demand. Aside from the productions intended for L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. consumption, the plant also serves the public by creating a sales arm called the Southern Delights. It has wide varieties of meat products from siopao, siomai, lucban longganisa, ham, bacon, and different kinds of hotdogs, beef patties, tocino, corned beef, tapa and other cold cuts. LC Big Mak Burger, Inc. started to hire additional qualified staff mostly in 1995. This is in preparation for the expansion program that will be launched starting 1996. With the modern facilities of the plant, the company can now expand down to the Southern part of the Philippines – Visayas islands. Thus, in 1997 the company expands initially to Cebu City with 50 outlets, followed by the expansion at Tacloban City with another 50 outlets and lastly in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental with another 50 outlets. The company acquired properties in Tacloban and Cebu. During the same period, they have also created the BIGMAK Catering Services. As the demand grew and the couples fashion for food, service and untiring innovations they have decided to expand and start a new business, thus a banquet hall named Queen Margarette Court was established. It would cater and service the needs for events, functions, conventions, celebrations and other type of affairs not only to public demands but also its own conglomerate’s affairs. The Court got the public’s approval as shown by its fully booked listings. It had initially 3 big and 3 mini functions rooms with modern facilities and amenities. Likewise, a manpower agency was opened to primarily hire crews, staffs and personnel for the existing businesses. It was opened to serve the needs of the company and later served also the public as well. The demands were high that another two (2) companies were created, one is the Gain Manpower Services and another after which was created, the CARES. These are all manpower and placement agencies. As an added expansion, it was on 1999 Queen Margarette Hotel was inaugurated. It has 43 air conditioned suites and rooms with modern amenities such as pool, mini bar, Jacuzzi and other facilities of a modern hotel. It was tagged as the Best and the Finest in the Southern Tagalog region. Currently, there are a total of 65 rooms at the hotel or an addition of 12 luxurious rooms on the third floor. The fourth floor hosts four (4) additional function rooms which houses conference rooms for conventions and meetings, other functions and various hotel facilities & other services. Also in 2002, several businesses relating companies where built to make the mother business operates smoothly and to make other existing companies benefit from the facilities it offers. The Pacific Ocean Transport Corporation was inaugurated in February 18, 2002, as its two cargo lines MV Emerald and MV Little Mermaid are shipping to and from Polillo, Mauban & Burdeos transporting copra and other selling merchandises. It helped the existing Pacific Copra Trading and the ENJ Mega Store expand rapidly due to accessibility provided by the shipping business. From there on to the present, there were various developments and enormous progress that have had happened to the company. A lot of improvements were done. Currently, there are 12 branch offices nationwide under company owned properties. On 2009, Southern Swine Paradise & Farm, Inc. was blessed and inaugurated. Its business is engaged on raising swine, hogs and other poultry and domestic animals for the purpose of supplying meat needs to local consumers. For more than two decades, LC. BIGMAK BURGERS INC. had been in the food service by providing the Filipino people with high quality, great-tasting and affordable products all over the country. It has over 800 outlets nationwide. It continuously grows as like the sandwich in infinite in number sold as it has been miraculously and continuously patronized by local consumers. The blessings of God are like showers from heaven that falls to the couple. They have been chosen by God to share these blessings to a lot of people. These blessings should be shared and not to be wasted to a haste. Let us all be thankful to HIM for all these graces. We can achieve our vision through: 1. BOUNDLESS TERRITORY – we intend to expand our business in areas which we think is viable to the company. We recognize no limits in boundaries. Our priority is to penetrate the whole Philippines and finally we can tap the global market. 2. EXCELLENT VALUE FOR CUSTOMERS – we view our customers as our most important corporate assets. They are the essence of our being in existence. They deserve only the best value we can give. A combination of quality product, reasonable price, convenient, fast and friendly service. We believe that creating value for our customers is the best way to create value for the corporation. By providing only the best for our customers, L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. is destined to be recognized as one of the leaders in the food chain industry. 3. SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY – L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. recognizes its responsibility to society. Its business, activities and policies are aligned with that of government institutions. It support government programs on nation building and economic progress. Likewise, L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. shares its blessings with the Filipino people through its community outreach program. 4. TOP QUALITY PEOPLE – L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc. employs only the top quality people. There is no compromise for mediocrity. We regard our highly qualified employees as our most valuable resources. Without them, we will not be able to reach our objectives. In return we would like to make all employees feel secure in their jobs, to promote their total welfare and to ensure their growth both as a professional and as a person. We hope to achieve this by providing them with healthy working environment, professional organizational mechanism, as well as above average wage and benefits compensation packages.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
How Is Romeo Presented in the First Two Acts of Romeo and Juliet
In the first two acts of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is presented as a young, love struck man. He is a dreamer and a fantasist. The audience feels sympathetic towards him because love is taking him nowhere. In Act 1, we first meet Romeo as he is sobbing about his love for a young lady, who we later find out to be Rosaline. The first line he speaks, â€Å"Is the day so young?†, suggests that he is bored and waiting for something to happen as he is so shocked about how early it is in the day. To emphasise this, he goes on to say, â€Å"Ay me, sad hours seem so long†. Benvolio asks Romeo why he is sad and he explains that he is sad because he has no love and his line, â€Å"Out of here favour where I am in loves†shows that the person he loves does not love him. This is how the audience first learns of Romeo’s love struck ness. To show even more how love struck and sad Romeo is, he admits it to himself when he says, â€Å"This is not Romeo, he is some other where.†Benvolio asks him to â€Å"examine other beauties†to cure his love sickness. But Romeo says that if his eyes see anything more beautiful than Rosaline, then â€Å"turn tears to fires†. This shows that Romeo is very single-minded on Rosaline and believes that no one could be more beautiful than her. On the way to the Capulet’s party, Romeo is presented as upset and a spoil sport. He explains that he has a â€Å"soul of lead†which â€Å"stakes [him] to the ground [he] cannot move†. This shows that he is very serious about his love for Rosaline and feels his sadness as a heavy weight on him, not allowing him to have fun, but to grieve. Reluctantly, Romeo agrees to go to the party in the hope that he will find Rosaline. At the Capulet’s party, Romeo finds another girl, Juliet, and is entranced by her beauty. He asks himself, â€Å"Did my heart love till now?†. This line suggests that he completely falls in love with Juliet and asks himself whether he did love Rosaline or whether he had just got it into his head. This shows that Romeo was very single-minded and a sudden link is made between him and Juliet. However, as Romeo is so absorbed by Juliet he looses his disguise. When Tybalt, a keen Capulet, finds out about this and becomes very angry, describing Romeo as a â€Å"villain Montague†because he has gate crashed the Capulet’s party. This shows that Tybalt is an enthusiastic Capulet and believes Romeo is of the opposite being. But Capulet himself is in a very jolly mood and he describes Romeo as a â€Å"portly gentlemen†and a â€Å"well-governed youth†, showing that Capulet’s beliefs of Romeo is that he is a dignified and well behaved young man. Romeo is also described as a handsome and gentle young man. This is shown in Act 2, as the Nurse described Romeo as â€Å"his face be better than any man’s†and â€Å"gentle as a lamb†. This shows that there are different views of Romeo from different characters but, in general, Romeo is presented as a young, handsome and brave young man who is a distant part of his feud-orientated family. As soon as Romeo falls in love with Juliet a sudden link is made between them. The way they speak is very poetic and in verse, as if they know exactly what to say next. Also, Romeo is presented as religious when he compares his lips to â€Å"two blushing pilgrims†. Romeo is presented as a quite sensible young man and, unlike Benvolio and Mercutio, he doesn’t joke about and mess around. He also doesn’t seem to be part of the dispute between the Capulet’s and Montague’s, showing how keen his is on love. On the other hand, as soon as Romeo and Juliet fall in love they become trapped in their own world and don’t mention much about their families being enemies. Romeo sometimes risks his life and many consequences in order to see Juliet, showing how much he truly loves her. Romeo is also presented as a risky and completely taken in man. At the end of Act 2, Romeo agrees to marry Juliet, but neither the Capulet’s nor Montague’s no about it. This is very risky for Romeo and Juliet and Romeo seems to dismiss the consequences because he is so taken in by Juliet. To make things even more secretive, Romeo arranges for a rope ladder to be sent to the excited Nurse, so that Romeo can climb into Juliet’s room to get married. In conclusion, Acts 1 and 2 of Romeo and Juliet presents Romeo as, at first, a fantasists and love struck man. By the end of Act 2, he is seen as a very entranced and risky man, showing his devotion of love towards Juliet.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Should You Take the New SAT or Old SAT An Expert Guide
Should You Take the New SAT or Old SAT An Expert Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You might have heard over the last year that a new version of the SAT is coming out in spring of 2016. You might have a choice between taking the current old SAT or the new SAT depending on when you time your test. You're probably wondering, "when should I take the SAT?" Well, here's our definitive guide. Note: The old SAT is no longer available. If you took the previous version and aren't sure whether to take the new one, check out our guides to deciding, depending on whether you got ahigh scoreor a low one. Year Graduating High School Which SAT You Should Take 2016 or before Old (current) SAT for sure 2017 Old SAT recommended 2018 New SAT recommended 2019 or later New SAT for sure You Should DefinitelyTake the Old SAT If... You are a high school student graduating 2016, 2015, or 2014. (Remember that the old SAT is mandatory until March 2016, so if you're graduating in 2014 or 2015, you won't even have a choice.) If you're graduating in 2016, then March or later of senior year is generally way too late to take the SAT for most college admissions. Even if you're considering a late senior year test date, there are lots of reasons not to the reasons are much the same as for the class of 2017 but even more urgent. You Should Try to Take the Old SAT If... You're a high school student graduating in 2017. The reasons the Class of 2017 should take the old SAT are not obvious at first glance, but are clear if you think hard about it. After all, the last time you might have to take the old SAT is January 2016, which might be the last time the old SAT is given. That's the middle of junior year a little too early? I don't think so. Those in the Class of 2017 taking the SAT should definitely read this guide specifically written for that year to see which SAT they should take. You Should Tryto Take the New SAT If... You plan to graduate high school in 2018. The decision is easier for you than the class of 2017. January 2016, the purported last day the old SAT will be given, is only in the middle of your sophomore year.You'll get better and smarter as you age, and you don't want to be pinned down by a score you get while you're so young. Most of the concerns for the class one year before yours won't apply to you: by the time you take the SAT mid-junior year, the new test will have been out for a year, so everyone will know what it looks like by then, and how to prep for it. You won't have to wait too long to take the new SAT, and you'll have many shots at it. How should you prepare then? Just as the Class of 2017 should sway a bit earlier to catch the old SAT safely, you should sway a bit later to catch the new SAT safely. Plan to start prepping in January of 2017. The new SAT will have been out for about a year and prep strategies will be quite mature by then. Take your first SAT in March 2017, and you'll have quite a few more shots at it if you don't like your score. You Should DefinitelyTake the New SAT... If you plan to graduate high school in 2019 or afterwards. Unless you plan to take your final SAT freshman year, which is strongly discouraged, since your skills still have a lot of room to grow. What's Next? Class of 2017 Special Guide: Current SAT or Revised SAT? A Breakdown of the New SAT: An Expert Guide Why the New SAT Won't Revolutionize the Test Start Improving Your SAT Score Today:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What Is SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
What Is SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Makers of the new SAT have decided that the Reading and Writing sections go together like peanut butter and jelly. Insteadof treatingthem separately, College Board now takesReading and Writing together to give you one Evidence-based Reading and Writing score. This guide will go over exactly how these two sections merge and how this new formataffects your test prep. To begin, let’s define this new category on the SAT. What Is Evidence-Based Reading and Writing? Ah, the million dollar question! Evidence-based Reading and Writing, which we can abbreviate as EBRW, refers to both the Reading and Writing sections of the SAT together. "But these two sections are separate!" you might have just declared at your computer screen. You wouldn't be wrong, and I applaud your passion for SAT accuracy.When you take the test, youdotake these two sections individually. When you get your scores back, though, you’ll just get one EBRW score between 200 and 800. The other half of your total score will be your math score, which will also fall somewhere between 200 and 800. Add your EBRW score and math score together, and you’ll get a total score somewhere between 400 and 1600. On the old SAT, Reading and Writing were scored separately, resulting in a maximum possible score of 2400. In those days, theverbal sections (technically called Critical Reading and Writing) made up two-thirds of your total score, while math only made up one-third. Not the ideal make-upfor students who werestronger inmath, but English-oriented kids were sitting pretty. Now, half your score is verbal, and the other half is math. They’re equal! Similarly, your performance on both the Reading and Writing sections factor equally into your combined EBRW score, even though the Reading section’s almost twice as long as the Writing section. To give you a clear view into where your EBRW score actually comes from, I'll go over the process in the steps below. Where Does Your Evidence-Based Reading and WritingScore Come From? On the SAT, you’ll first take the 65-minute Reading section. Then you’ll move onto the 35-minute Writing and Language section. Even though Writing’s a lot shorter than Reading, it counts equally toward your combined Reading and Writing score. If you’ve scored any of your own practice tests, then you may be familiar with the scoring process. First, you add up your raw score in each section, giving yourself one point for every right answer and zero points for wrong or skipped answers. Then you use the provided conversion chart to convert both raw scores into scaled scores between 10 and 40. The exact conversion might differ slightly based on how students perform on a given administration, but here’s a representative sample chart: After you convert your raw scores to a scale of 10 to 40, then you simply add them together and multiply by 10. That equation will get you your final EBRW score between 200 and 800. For Example:Let’s say you got a raw score of 31 in Reading and 28 in Writing and Language. Your Reading score gets scaled to a 30 and your Writing and Language score gets scaled to a 28. Add them together and multiply by 10: 30 + 28 = 58 x 10 = 580 Your final EBRW score’s a 580. Similarly, you can see how to perfect scaled scores get you an 800. A perfect scaled score of 40 in Reading + 40 in Writing = 80. Multiply by 10 and you get 800. Even though the two sections are scored together, they’re still presented as separate sections on the SAT. At the same time, they feature some overlap in content and skills beyond a strong grasp of the English language. To give you a sense of their similarities and differences, let’s explore the content of both sections, starting with Reading. Gather round! It's reading hour. SAT Reading: An Overview SAT Reading is always your first section on the SAT. It tests your reading comprehension skills by asking you to read passages and one or more graphics and to answer questions about them. Below you’ll find an overview of the Reading section’s format and question types. SAT Reading Format Time Number of Questions Time/question 65 minutes 52 questions 1 minute, 15 seconds All of the questions in the Reading section are multiple choice with four possible answer choices, A, B, C, and D. This section contains five passages, or technically six, since â€Å"one†is a set of paired passages. One of these passages come from World Literature, two come from History or Social Studies, and two come from Science. One or more passages will be accompanied by a graphic, like a chart, table, or graph. SAT Reading Content The Reading section tests your skills to comprehend passages from various genres. It wants you to examine both big picture ideas and little picture details, as well as to manage your time efficiently. Since you just get one big block of time in this 65-minute section, it’s your job to divide it roughly equally among the five passages. Some elements that the Reading section asks about are main idea, important details, and vocabulary in context. By analyzing the text, we’ve actually picked out eight main types of Reading questions. They are big picture/main idea, little picture/detail, inference, vocabulary in context, function, author technique, evidence support, and data interpretation. For a detailed breakdown of each question type, along with sample questions of each, check out our full guide to the SAT Reading section! For now, let’s take a look at the structure and content of Writing and Language. The Writing section's like the Reading section, except the passages are all messed up. You get to fix them! SAT Writing and Language: An Overview SAT Writing and Language asks you to be an editor. You’ll read passages that have errors of grammar and punctuation, as well as unclear organization. Then you’ll identify the errors and provide suggestions for how to fix them. Before getting into the question types, consider this section’s overall format below. SAT Writing Format Time Number of Questions Time per Question 35 minutes 44 questions 47-48 seconds All 44 of the Writing questions are multiple choice and based on passages. You’ll get four passages, each followed by 11 questions. These passages will come from four distinct areas: Careers, Social Studies, Humanities, and Science. Like in the Reading section, one or more of these passages (often the Science one) will be accompanied by a graphic, like a scatterplot, bar graph, or chart. SAT Writing Content As you read above, Writing and Language questions ask you to edit and revise words, sentences, and paragraphs. You might replace a word, fix a mistake in grammar or punctuation, rearrange sentences, or even add or delete details to improve organization and clarity. College Board categorizes 24 questions as Command of Evidence, Words in Context, and Expression of Ideas. These questions ask about how ideas develop or get supported, the proper use of vocabulary, and organization. The remaining 20 questions ask about Standard English Conventions. These include questions about sentence structure, usage, and punctuation. These questions tend to get down to the nitty-gritty of sentence mechanics and little details like comma and apostrophe use. You can find a full breakdown of the skills tested in Writing and Language in this comprehensive guide. As you can see, Reading and Writing both test your verbal skills, but they do so in distinct ways. So does the fact that they’re now combined into one score affect your prep at all? Reading and Writing have distinct differences, but these next five study tips focus on where they overlap. Prepping for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: 5 Tips Reading and Writing require their own approaches to prep, but they have enough of an overlap that some of your prep will help in both sections. The five tips below focus on the ways that Reading and Writing intersect. Read on for five essential pieces of advice that will help you get ready for both Reading and Writing at the same time - and thereby boost your EBRW score! #1: Focus on Command of Evidence If you look at the way College Board describes its question types, it uses the category, â€Å"Command of Evidence,†for both Reading and Writing questions. For both sections, you need to base your answers on evidence from the text. This â€Å"eye for evidence†is a key skill in both sections. However, Reading and Writingevidence-based questions look a little different. The Reading section has explicit evidence-based questions that ask you about your reason for an answer to a previous question. Here’s one example of a Reading Command of Evidence question. The Writing section tests your Command of Evidence slightly differently. It typically asks whether you should make a specific revision to a passage and why, like in the following sample question: While Reading and Writing have their differences, they both call for a strong command of evidence. To improve your EBRW score a whole, you should hone this skill. Make sure you practice close reading and base your answers entirely on the text. Don’t get distracted by previous knowledge of a topic. You should be able to back up all of your answers with evidence directly from the passage if asked. As you can see from the above sample questions, you very well may be asked to do just that! #2: Study Words in Context Another similarity between Reading and Writing is that they both ask about words in context. As all of the questions are passage-based in both sections, all of the vocabulary questions require you to understand how a word is being used in context. Here’s a typical example of a vocabulary questions in the Reading section. It refers to a passage from SAT Practice Test 3. In Writing, you’ll get the passage alongside the questions so you can refer right back to a specific word or line. In the example below, #25 asks if the vocabulary word being used is the correct one. To prepare for these questions in both sections, you should make sure you understand how the meanings of words shift depending on their contexts. The words might not be especially advanced, but they often are ones that can have multiple meanings. Focus on these kinds of mid-level, multiple meaning words as you study for EBRW. Take a close look at graphs and charts to boost your EBRW score. #3: Practice Data Interpretation Questions As you read above, both sections ask you to interpret data from charts, tables, and/or graphs. These graphs will relate back to a passage. Here are examples ofdata interpretation questions from the Reading section. Since the Writing section features passages with errors, it tends to ask whether the data in a graphic is being accurately represented in its corresponding passage. If the answer’s no, it may ask you about the correct way to describe it. To prepare for Evidence-based Reading and Writing, you should practice data interpretation questions. Strengthen your skills at interpreting and describing data in graphs and charts, and keep an eye on the relationship between a passage and its corresponding graphic. Your SAT prep materials should have sample questions for you to use, and you might also practice with data interpretation questions from the Science section of ACT practice tests. #4: Read and Write Widely You just saw three specific ways that Reading and Writing questions overlap. On a more big picture level, these sections are similar because they test your understanding of the English language. By practicing reading widely and writing often, you can greatly improve your skills. As you saw, both sections select passages from various genres, mainly those that are nonfiction and argument-based. To prepare, therefore, you should practice reading not just prose, but also works from history and science. There are specific methods you can use to break down the structure of an argument or analyze an author’s word choice. When you’re not taking such an analytical approach, though, you shouldpractice reading and writing as often and possible. Over time, you'llsee gradual improvementin your reading comprehension and writing skills. #5: Be Strategic About Your Scores One final tip: remember that your final scores will be half math and half verbal. You can’t consider the Reading and Writingsections as unrelated, as your performance on both sections will affect your overall verbal score. Alsoremember that both sections contribute equally to your EBRW score. If you’re scoring consistently strong in Reading, then you might want to put more of your energy toward Writing, or vice versa. Figure out where your strengths and weaknesses lie and what question types you can study to improve your combined score. There are other important strategies you can use to study for each section individually, but these five tips are the most important ones to remember when considering the sections together as Evidence-based Reading and Writing. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! In closing, let’s review the key points you need to remember about EBRW and your SAT verbal score. Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: Final Thoughts If you take anything away from this guide, it should be this: Evidence-based Reading and Writing refers to the Reading section and Writing and Language section together. You'll get one EBRW score between 200 and 800 that makes up half of your total SAT score. Both of these sections require their own approach to prep. Reading asks about reading comprehension, while Writing asks you to be an editor and fix mistakes in grammar, organization, and punctuation. Skills and questions in both sections have some overlap, though. They’re all passage-based and emphasize command of evidence, an understanding of words in context, the ability to interpret data, and, of course, your overall English language skills. Finally, as you prep, remember that both Reading and Writing and Language factor equally into your verbal score. They’re both equally importantsections thattogether make up half of your total SAT score. What’s Next? Would you like to learn more about the Writing and Language section? Check out this guide for a full overview of the Writing section of the SAT. SAT Reading has changed a lot this year. This guide goes over the five key changes that you need to know. Do you feel like you get what the verbal sections are all about? To learn more about the Math No Calculator, check out this comprehensive guide. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Creating High Performance Organization-course Project Proposal Case Study
Creating High Performance Organization-course Project Proposal - Case Study Example This has led to online marketing channels that have caused an increase in organizational revenues. The company has online customer services and integrated collaboration with forecasting systems from customers. The company uses customized contents to delivery to the targeted audiences. This entails coordination of systems and different human factors in the entire company (Bogetoft 23). The company has invested in interface management system to deliver excellence to the clients. Web services have enabled the company to deliver an integration legacy and business process execution. I was a web administrator in the company. My role was to ensure that web hosting management systems were functional and effective. I was coordinating a team of IT experts who were had direct contacts with customers. This enabled me to assess the effectiveness of the organizational management practices and systems in the company. The company has been suffering from inadequacy in facilitating quick introduction to new services. The company has been struggling in automating business processes. The company has been emphasized on collecting information without the need to manage the content. This has caused system failures through overload. The company has suffered from late human interventions. The management lacks an understanding of the unique needs of the user groups. This has causes the management solutions to be ineffective. The management has invested in formal learning efforts as the only means of learning. Research shows that 70 percent of learning happens successfully through informal channels. The knowledge management of the organization fails to target the suppliers and customers. This has caused the company to have poor customer retention and revenue enhancement. Technological companies are faced by the challenge of rapidly changing external environments. The management has focused on external competition and environment
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